Articles by Alastair Marsh

Most UK Insurers, Banks Unprepared for Risks of Climate Change

The Bank of England faces an uphill climb to get the finance industry ready for one of its biggest threats: the climate. About 80% of senior finance executives believe their firms “lack well-developed strategies to manage the risks of climate …

Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Gets Pushback from Global Financial Watchdogs

Facebook Inc. was hours away from the formal announcement of its ambitious foray into financial services, but French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire was already broadcasting his discontent. “It’s out of the question” that the social-media giant’s digital money compete …

Generali Hires Ex-Morgan Stanley Credit-Trading Head Khazen

Assicurazioni Generali SpA hired Anna Khazen as head of investments for its asset-management unit. Khazen will cover all asset classes in her new role, said a company official, who asked not to be identified citing company policy. She is based …

EU Close to Easing Solvency II Capital Rules to Lure Asset-Backed Debt Buyers

The European Union’s plan to revive the asset-backed securities market may heed industry concerns by broadening the range of products eligible for a high-quality label and easing capital requirements for insurers. The securitization overhaul due next month from the European …

Europe’s ABS Market Promotion Hinges on Easing Insurers’ Capital Requirements

Europe’s push to promote asset-backed securities (ABS) hinges on persuading insurers to buy the debt by easing capital requirements, investors and analysts said. European Union and global regulators recently proposed criteria for identifying simple and transparent securitizations that could qualify …

AXA Sells $474 Million in Cat Bonds against Europe Storm Damage

AXA SA said it sold catastrophe bonds designed to protect insurers from payouts on storm damage, in the biggest transaction of the notes in euros. Europe’s second-largest insurer by market value issued €350 million ($474 million) of notes to institutional …