Articles by Alex Letts

Hurricane Spitzer to Take London by Storm

There’s still some sense of disbelief over here in London at the moment. Hurricane Spitzer seems to have struck New York full on, but the hope that it may not hurt London too much is palpable. The thinking goes that …

Hurricane Spitzer to Take London by Storm

There’s still some sense of disbelief here in London at the moment. Hurricane Spitzer seems to have struck New York full on, but the hope that it may not hurt London too much is palpable. The thinking goes that whilst …

Hurricane Spitzer to Take London by Storm

There’s still some sense of disbelief here in London at the moment. Hurricane Spitzer seems to have struck New York full on, but the hope that it may not hurt London too much is palpable. The thinking goes that whilst …

Traditional London Market Braces for Hurricane Spitzer

QUOTE:For London, the effects will be every bit as profound as in New York. This will impact every underwriter in Lloyd’s and most in London, given the distribution chain they inhabit. There’s still some sense of disbelief over here in …

Hurricane Spitzer to Take London by Storm

QUOTE:This will impact every underwriter in Lloyd’s and most in London, given the distribution chain they inhabit. There’s still some sense of disbelief here in London at the moment. Hurricane Spitzer seems to have struck New York full on, but …