Articles by Tim Ross, Alex Morales and Ed Ludlow

Brexit Critics Now Emboldened to Block Prime Minister’s Plans for ‘Hard Brexit’

When she called a snap election in April, Theresa May said she needed voters’ backing to silence rivals in Parliament who were trying to frustrate her plans for Brexit. Instead, the British prime minister’s electoral humiliation seven weeks later weakened …

UK Prime Minister May Seeks Early Election to End Brexit Divisions

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May said she will seek an early election on June 8, in an unexpected gamble aimed at strengthening her hand going into talks on leaving the European Union. The surprise statement came less than a month …

UK Prime Minister May Steps Up Battle Against Brexit Rebels

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May is fighting back against Brexit rebels in her ruling Conservative Party as she steps up her battle to start the formal process of pulling Britain out of the European Union. The premier fired government adviser …

Social Polarization, Inequality Raise Potential for Risk, Disruption: WEF

Rising inequality and social polarization are set to shape world developments for the next decade after contributing to Britain’s decision to leave the European Union and the ballot-box success of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, the World Economic Forum (WEF) said. …

More than 3/4s of UK CEOs Mull Moving Headquarters as Result of Brexit: KPMG

The U.K.’s vote to leave the European Union has left more than three-quarters of chief executive officers saying they would consider moving their headquarters or operations outside Britain, according to a survey of 100 business leaders by the accountancy firm …

British Departure from EU Would Put at Risk $670 Billion of U.K. Trade: Study

A British departure from the European Union would put at risk 466 billion pounds ($670 billion) of U.K. trade with nations in Europe and beyond, according to a report published by the Centre for Economic and Business Research. Britain’s membership …

Landmark Climate Change Agreement ‘A Major Leap for Mankind’: Pres. Hollande

The world’s nations took the boldest steps yet to stem climate change, adopting an historic package of measures to limit fossil-fuel pollution and establish a mechanism to step up the reductions for decades. After two weeks of intense negotiations overseen …

Planet Moves Closer to Dangerous Levels of Warming with 2015 Temperatures: UN

The planet is halfway to dangerous levels of global warming, with the average temperature for 2015 set to eclipse last year’s record, the United Nations said. This year’s average temperature will be “approximately” 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above …

Insurers Unprepared for Costs of Climate Change, Warns UN Climate Diplomat

Insurers are unprepared for the costs of climate change, the top United Nations climate diplomat said as world leaders make final preparations for a deal on global warming. The agreement, which the UN expects to seal in Paris in December, …

Pacific Islanders Plead for Action on Climate Change as Sea Levels Rise

The village where Anote Tong attended school some 40 years ago is no longer there. As the Pacific Ocean encroached on the settlement, the villagers left for higher ground. “There is a church building and a meeting house, but nobody …