Articles by Alex Morales

UK’s Aviva to Target $3.9B in Renewable Energy Investments

Aviva plc will target 2.5 billion pounds ($3.9 billion) of investments in renewables and energy efficiency over five years to cut exposure to climate risks. The company, which manages about 250 billion pounds of assets, will embed carbon risk into …

London Imports Climate-Related Risks Through Insurers, Supply Chains

London is importing climate-related risks through investments, insurers and supply chains, according to a new report that details dangers posed to the UK capital by global warming beyond the physical effects. More than half of FTSE 100 companies and 60 …

Shell: Insurers May Be Reluctant to Underwrite Carbon Capture Projects

Projects to capture carbon emissions from power plants and store them permanently underground face “large risk premiums” from insurers because the technology is so new, Royal Dutch Shell plc said. “Insurance will be able to address only part of the …

G-7 Pushes for Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by End of This Century

Some of the world’s richest nations threw their weight behind a plan to stamp out fossil-fuel emissions by the end of the century in an unprecedented show of unity on climate change. The Group of Seven is pushing to “decarbonize,” …

NOAA Research Warns Global Warming Continues Unabated

The pace of global warming hasn’t slowed since 1998, a finding that contradicts a major United Nations study and challenges a key argument of skeptics of manmade climate change. Temperatures since 2000 have risen at a pace that is “virtually …

2014 Was World’s Hottest Year Since Record Keeping Began in 1880, UN Says

Last year was the hottest recorded in data stretching back to 1880, the United Nations said, confirming a preliminary figure released in December. The average global air temperature over land and sea in 2014 was 0.57 degree Celsius (1.03 degrees …

Companies May Need to Disclose Fossil-Fuel Exposure: UK Energy Secretary

U.K. Energy Secretary Ed Davey called for a debate on forcing companies to disclose their exposure to fossil fuels so that investors know the risks they face as cleaner forms of energy are required. “There’s a case for making it …

Climate Researchers Lower Global Warming Forecast on Plans to Cut Emissions

Climate researchers lowered their forecast for global warming for the first time since 2009 after the greenhouse gas polluters agreed to limit their emissions over the next 15 years, a group of European academics said. Efforts by the U.S., European …

U.S., EU Urge More Policy Guidance, Specifics in UN Climate Report

The U.S. and European Union are pushing for a stronger explanation about the dangers of climate change and the consequences of failing to stem fossil-fuel emissions in the UN’s most extensive report on global warming. The appeals are detailed in …

Melting Antarctic Glacier to Raise Sea Levels: NASA

A rapidly melting glacial region of Antarctica has passed “the point of no return,” threatening to increase sea levels, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppable,” Eric …