Articles by Alex Wayne

Private Premiums Under Affordable Care Act 15% Below Forecast, Says CBO

The health law will cost $104 billion less over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office said after premiums for private Obamacare plans came in lower than the agency expected. The premium for a benchmark “silver” level plan, the second-most …

How Is Obamacare Affecting Competition Among Health Insurers?

A snapshot of Obamacare enrollment in seven states suggests the law hasn’t significantly increased competition in health insurance markets, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported. In California, for example, four big insurers have largely carved up the state’s market. The divide …

Many Could Escape Obamacare Individual Mandate Due to Exemptions

Obamacare’s requirement that all Americans carry insurance or face penalties, part of the effort to gain universal coverage, may not be much of a rule at all. Millions of people may be exempt from the requirement known as the individual …

Affordable Care Enrollment Hits 4.2 Million As Deadline Nears

President Barack Obama appealed to uninsured Americans to sign up for medical coverage before a March 31 deadline while his administration said 4.2 million people had enrolled in health plans through February. Youth enrollment continued to expand, with 1.1 million …

Obamacare Expected to OK Renewal of Extended Plans for 2 Years: Report

Americans who kept their health plans that didn’t comply with Obamacare requirements will be able to renew those policies for two more years, according to a person familiar with the matter. The Obama administration, which has been deliberating the issue …

Obamacare Mandate Delayed Until 2016 for Firms Under 100 Employees

Employers with fewer than 100 workers won’t have to provide health insurance until 2016 under Obamacare, as the administration said it would again delay a key requirement of the health law. Larger firms have to cover at least 70 percent …

Obamacare Enrollment Reaches 3 Million: HHS Secretary Sebelius

Three million people have enrolled in private health plans offered through Obamacare insurance exchanges, U.S. officials said. The tally reflects 800,000 new sign ups so far in January, adding to the 2.2 million who enrolled from Oct. 1 through December. …

Volunteer Firefighters Exempted from Obamacare Mandate

U.S. cities and towns won’t be required to provide health insurance for volunteer firefighters, a reprieve from federal Obamacare rules that fire departments had said would be financially devastating. Volunteer emergency workers will be made exempt from a requirement that …

Obamacare to Ramp Up Pitch to Younger Insureds

The U.S. government said it would ramp up Obamacare outreach in 25 cities to lure younger people to the program after a report showed about 70 percent of the initial customers are 35 years of age or older. The effort …

Obama Exempts Canceled Policyholders from Individual Mandate

Americans whose health plans are being canceled because their coverage doesn’t meet Obamacare rules will be exempt from the mandate that they carry insurance, under a change announced by the Obama administration. Officials estimated the change will affect fewer than …