Articles by Alex Wayne

Obamacare Supporters Decry Republicans’ Moves on Health Navigators

Supporters of the U.S. health-care overhaul are criticizing a House panel’s scrutiny of nonprofit groups set to help enroll people in new insurance plans, saying it’s part of a Republican effort to impede the law. Republicans on the House Energy …

Premium Increases Under Obamacare Are Exaggerated, Rand Says

Predictions of sharp increases in health-insurance premiums for people getting coverage under the U.S. Affordable Care Act have been overstated and many states will see little to no change, researchers at Rand Corp. found. Out-of-pocket premiums for most individuals who …

Obamacare Health Exchange Buyers Can Expect $2,700 in Tax Credits: Report

Tax credits to buy medical coverage next year will average $2,672 per family under President Barack Obama’s health care system overhaul, a benefit that will make the plans more affordable than some critics have predicted. The subsidy should reduce the …

Walgreen, Blue Cross to Aid in Educating Public on Obamacare

Walgreen Co., the biggest U.S. drugstore chain, agreed to join with the largest federation of health insurers to promote the Affordable Care Act, lending a hand as the Obama administration strains to win over the public. The Blue Cross Blue …

Employers Welcome Delay in Obamacare Mandate; Workers, States Concerned

While businesses hailed President Barack Obama’s decision to delay penalizing companies that fail to offer benefits under the health law, workers and states may struggle with the uncertain aftermath. In postponing the mandate for a year, the president has lessened …

Employer Health Insurance Mandate Delayed Until 2015

The Obama administration will delay a crucial provision of its signature health care law, giving businesses an extra year to comply with a requirement that they provide their workers with insurance. The government will postpone enforcement of the so-called employer …