Articles by Alexandria Sage and Tina Bellon

Bayer Must Pay $80 Million in Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trial, Says Jury

A U.S. jury on Wednesday awarded $80 million to a man who claimed his use of Bayer AG’s glyphosate-based weed killer Roundup caused his cancer, in the latest legal setback for the company facing thousands of similar lawsuits. The jury …

Smart Car Makers See Safety Enhancements Turning Into Revenue Opportunities

As vehicles get smarter, your car will be keeping eyes on you. This week at CES, the international consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, a host of startup companies will demonstrate to global automakers how the sensor technology that watches …

Waymo Self-Driving, Fare-Generating Taxis Hit the Road in Arizona

Alphabet’s Waymo on Wednesday launched a significant development in its costly, decade-long quest for autonomous transportation: self-driving taxis that actually generate fares. With little fanfare, the company has begun charging passengers to use its driverless vehicles in a roughly 100-mile …

Waymo Cleared to be First in California for Testing Without Backup Driver

Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo unit on Tuesday became the first company to receive a permit from the state of California to test driverless vehicles without a backup driver in the front seat, the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles said. California said …

Daimler Deploying Self-Driving Taxis in California Test Program

German automaker Daimler AG and auto supplier Bosch Corp will deploy self-driving taxis in California’s Silicon Valley region next year as part of a test program of vehicles designed for city driving, the two companies said. The world’s largest maker …

Uber Cut Back on Safety Sensors on Volvo Involved in Fatal Accidents: Reuters

When Uber decided in 2016 to retire its fleet of self-driving Ford Fusion cars in favor of Volvo sport utility vehicles, it also chose to scale back on one notable piece of technology: the safety sensors used to detect objects …

Police Release Video of Fatal Collision of Uber Driverless Vehicle with Pedestrian

Police in Arizona on Wednesday released a short video of a fatal collision between an Uber self-driving vehicle and a pedestrian, as investigators probe the accident that has put new focus on the safety of autonomous vehicles. The video, taken …

Fewest Human Interventions for Waymo’s Autonomous Car Tests in California

Waymo, the self-driving arm of Alphabet Inc., is out ahead of rivals based on a key measure of autonomous driving performance, according to a report released on in late January by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. California requires automakers, …

Trial Over Waymo Claim of Uber Trade Secrets Theft Gets Underway

Uber was either a cheating competitor willing to break the law to win the race to develop self-driving cars, or the victim of an unproven conspiracy theory stitched together by its main rival, Waymo, jurors heard in opening statements of …

Fewest Human Interventions for Waymo’s Autonomous Car Tests in California

Waymo, the self-driving arm of Alphabet Inc, is out ahead of rivals based on a key measure of autonomous driving performance, according to a report released on Wednesday by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. California requires automakers, technology companies …