Articles by Alister Doyle and Krittivas Mukherjee

World Leaders Try to Save Troubled Climate Talks

World leaders took the stage at the largest ever climate talks on Wednesday as ministers scrambled to rescue troubled negotiations on a pact to avoid dangerous global warming. Police using truncheons and pepper spray detained 230 people outside the conference …

IPCC Head Says Copenhagen Summit ‘Pretty Good’ if CO2 Cut by 20%

A 20 percent cut in greenhouse gases by rich nations would be a “pretty good” result for a U.N. climate summit, even though it falls short of developing nations’ hopes, the head of the U.N. climate panel said on Tuesday. …

UN Climate Talks Open in Copenhagen; Deal ‘Within Reach’

The biggest climate talks in history opened on Monday with a stark U.N. warning of the risk of desertification and rising seas and an assurance by hosts Denmark that a deal to combat climate change was “within reach”. Politicians and …

UN Climate Change Talks Resume as Time Runs Out for Deal

Time has almost run out to break the deadlock on a U.N. climate deal supposed to be struck in Copenhagen next month, the United Nations and Denmark warned negotiators at a final preparatory meeting on Monday. “The clock has almost …

High Tech May Pinpoint Antarctica, Greenland Sea Level Rise Risks

Dismayed by ice and storms, British explorer Captain James Cook had no regrets when he abandoned a voyage searching for a fabled southern continent in 1773. Finding only icebergs after he was the first to cross the Antarctic Circle, he …

Antarctic, Greenland Coastal Ice Thinning Surprises Experts

Scientists are surprised at how extensively coastal ice in Antarctica and Greenland is thinning, according to a study on Wednesday that could help predict rising sea levels linked to climate change. Analysis of millions of NASA satellite laser images showed …

Potential Seen for Climate Insurance in Tourist Industry

Insurance is an under-used way for the tourism industry to manage the risks of climate change, with existing offers ranging from a “perfect weather guarantee” by Barbados to ski resorts promising deep snow, experts say. “Insurance products…have a huge potential …

G8 Makes Scant Progress to Copenhagen Climate Pact

The G8 summit made scant progress towards a new U.N. climate treaty due to be agreed in December with some nations back-pedaling on promises of new action even before the end of a meeting in Italy. “This hasn’t given me …

Index Insurance Seen Helping Poor Farmers Cope with Global Warming

A new form of insurance that covers risks such as droughts or floods could help small farmers in developing countries cope with worsening impacts of global warming, a U.N. backed report said on Wednesday. Under “index insurance,” payouts are linked …

France, Germany Urge More Flexible Climate Pact

France and Germany suggested on Monday that rich nations should collectively guarantee deep cuts in greenhouse gases by 2020 while giving flexibility to laggards such as the United States to catch up later. France said the idea, floated at talks …