Articles by Alister Doyle

Greenland Thaw Among Feared Climate Shifts by 2200

A drastic climate shift, such as a thaw of Greenland’s ice or death of the Amazon forest, is more than 50 percent likely by the year 2200 in cases of strong global warming, according to a survey of experts. The …

Ambitions for 2009 UN Climate Pact Fade in Poznan

Recession and the change of U.S. administration make it unlikely the world will meet a 2009 deadline for agreeing a full new pact to fight global warming, delegates at UN climate talks say. A year ago, 190 nations signed up …

New ‘Carbon Revolution’ Urged to Slow Global Warming

The world needs a shift as radical as the Industrial Revolution to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, while safeguarding economic growth, the McKinsey Global Institute said on Thursday. Its study said that a modern “carbon revolution” to curb global …

New Study Calls for Broad Climate Fight, Not Just Gas Emission Cuts

An assault on climate change on many fronts makes good economic sense but will be money badly spent if the world focuses exclusively on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, a new study said on Thursday. A 100-year package costing $800 billion …

U.N. Climate Talks to Test U.S. Shifts

Up to 190 nations will start work on a new U.N. climate treaty in Bangkok on Monday, in a test of how far the world has progressed after years of deadlock highlighted by a U.S. outburst about a duck in …

U.N. Official Urges EU to Aid Developing Nations on Climate

The European Union should speedily work out ways to help developing nations fight global warming to avert a “Catch 22” impasse that could brake action worldwide, the U.N.’s top climate change official said on Monday. “This is a priority that …