Articles by Amy O'Connor

O'Connor is the Southeast editor for Insurance Journal and associate editor of

Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Emerges From 2013 As a Serious Player

Last year was quite a year for Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (BHSI) – or half of a year, anyway. Since opening its doors for business in June 2013 with much fanfare, the new venture has gone from four to nearly …

Check-Up Service Helps Insurance Industry Navigate Licensing Maze

Some insurance professionals and agencies have been known to fall behind on the paperwork required for licensing and, in some cases, not even know what licenses they have in effect at any given time. It’s understandable because keeping up with …

Plymouth Rock, Bunker Hill Offer Combined Home, Auto Coverage to Massachusetts AARP Members

The senior citizen organization American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has chosen Boston-based Plymouth Rock Assurance and its affiliated Bunker Hill Insurance to issue auto and home insurance products for AARP members in Massachusetts, starting this month. The new AARP …

When Coverage Isn’t Enough: Managing Risk a Challenge for Insureds

Companies of all types and sizes are facing increased risks, but many are not putting adequate programs in place to manage those risks, according to a Zurich-sponsored study by Forbes Insights. As a result, companies are suffering financial losses from …

New Programs, Flexibility Help Contractor Segment Rebuild

Those that specialize in the contractors and builders segment say a lot has changed in this class since 2007. The recession forced the insurance industry to be flexible and creative when it came to insuring this class, just as it …

Insurance Kiosks the Wave of the Future?

Milk …check; eggs … check; bread … check; car insurance …what? Most grocery lists don’t typically read this way, but Nashville, Tenn.-based Direct Auto Insurance Co. is now offering another way to purchase personal auto insurance that could change the …

Insurance Kiosks the Wave of the Future?

Milk…check; Eggs…check; Bread…check; Car insurance…wait, what? Most Americans’ grocery lists don’t typically read this way, but a new approach to selling personal auto insurance from Nashville-based, Direct Auto Insurance Co., could change the way consumers buy their coverage. The company, …

Product Recall Capacity Needed for Life Sciences Segment

The life sciences industry has seen a dramatic increase in product recalls, and while insurance capacity for the life sciences industry generally has been increasing, insurers have been wary about offering more product recall coverage to the segment. As of …

Insurers: Product Recalls a ‘Death Sentence’ to Food Manufacturers, Coverage Demand Still Lags

Food recalls are on the rise, but that isn’t necessarily because food manufacturers are not meeting safety requirements and more food is contaminated or unsafe. In fact, insurers in the product recall space who insure food manufacturers say safety standards …

Midwest Politicians Work as Insurance Advocates

Three individuals who have worked in the insurance industry and now practice politics in the Midwest — Indiana State Representative Matt Lehman, Michigan State Senator David Robertson and U.S. Congressman Tom Latham of Iowa — all say their insurance backgrounds …