Articles by Amy O'Connor

O'Connor is the Southeast editor for Insurance Journal and associate editor of

Contractors, Agents Fight to Stay Afloat in Distressed Construction Market

Some Signs Point to Better Times Ahead, Experts Say The construction market is showing hints of improvement, if only slightly, according to insurance specialists for this market. The contractor class has been one of the hardest hit by the financial …

More Optimism, but Plenty of Controversy Surrounds Mortgage Broker Errors and Omissions Market Segment

Insurance agents serving the mortgage broker marketplace see some signs of improvement but they aren’t yet jumping for joy. The mortgage brokers error and omissions (E&O) market became severely strained when the 2008 economic crisis hit. Capacity shrunk dramatically, rates …

High Gold Prices Raise Risk in Jewelry Industry

The high price of gold and increases in jewelry crimes have put the jewelers block insurance segment in a tenuous position, and agents and brokers have to do their due diligence to make sure their clients are adequately insured, say …

Insurer Retools Home Value Insurance Coverage

Home Value Insurance Co. has re-entered the insurance market with a product that promises to protect homeowners from falling home values. Home Value Insurance initially launched the product in 2009. The company has retooled it to make it an insurance …

Agents Say Insurers Out of Touch with Needs of Small Businesses

Insurance agents and brokers think that their insurance carriers may be out of touch with what the small business segment needs. For one, carriers have been busy coming out with new products and coverage enhancements for small businesses, but agents …

Agents for Logging Industry Hang On in Downturn

The logging and forestry industry has suffered dramatically since 2006, with the amount of lumber being harvested dropping by half to 5 billion from 10 billion board feet since then. Underwriters in this class agree that it has been a …

Safe Driving Habits Pay Off for Consumers with Usage-Based Insurance Programs

The driving habits of personal auto consumers are shaping the way carriers price coverage today. Those carriers providing usage-based insurance (UBI) options, including telematic systems or devices to monitor an insured’s driving and mileage habits, are finding increased interest from …

Western World Insurance Group Introduces Mobile Integrated Platform

Western World Insurance Group has launched a new mobile website for its Western World Integrated Platform (WWIP) program. The original WWIP was introduced in 2010. The new Western World platform has the ability to rate, quote, and bind on iPads …

Agents for Logging Industry Hang On in Downturn

The logging and forestry industry has suffered dramatically since 2006, with the amount of lumber being harvested dropping by half to 5 billion from 10 billion since then. Underwriters in this class agree that it has been a rough road …

Commercial Auto Claims on the Rise – Will Rates Come Next?

An increase in claims from cargo theft and freight physical damage is expected to lead to higher insurance rates in the commercial auto class, a welcome development for some insurers after years of prices going down. “Commercial auto premiums countrywide …