Articles by Anders Melin

Facebook, CEO Zuckerberg and Paying to Protect Corporate Executives

Facebook Inc. revealed that it spent $4.26 million on security for Mark Zuckerberg last year, its first disclosure of such costs, and the highest among companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index that have filed proxy statements for fiscal …

AIG Executives’ Pay Trimmed for Missing Profit Goals

American International Group Inc., the insurer being pressured by activist investors to split up, cut short-term incentive pay for Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock by 29 percent last year as he missed profit targets. The CEO received $2.5 million from …

If Terminated After ACE Takeover, Chubb CEO Finnegan Due $93M

Chubb Corp. Chief Executive Officer John Finnegan could walk away with at least $92.7 million if he’s terminated after ACE Ltd. acquires the company. Finnegan, who’s run the insurer since late 2002, would be eligible to receive $20.5 million in …