Articles by Andrea Shalal and David Lawder

IMF Sees Risk of Supply Chain Security Leading to New Cold War

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva on Thursday warned policymakers against the danger of a new Cold War as they ramp up efforts to secure their industrial supply chains amid geopolitical tensions between major powers. “The question is, can …

Climate Change Could Trigger Asset Value Losses, Harming Economy: Yellen

Climate change is already having a major economic and financial impact on the United States and may trigger asset value losses in coming years that could cascade through the U.S. financial system, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said recently. Yellen told …

U.S. Announces it Will Stem SVB Fallout, Customers to Have Deposit Access

Silicon Valley Bank customers will have access to their deposits starting on Monday, U.S. officials said on Sunday, as the federal government announced actions to shore up deposits and stem any broader financial fallout from the sudden collapse of the …

Yellen Warns Climate Change Could Trigger Asset Value Losses, Harming Economy

Climate change is already having a major economic and financial impact on the United States and may trigger asset value losses in coming years that could cascade through the U.S. financial system, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will warn on Tuesday. …

Cyber Officials From 37 Countries, 13 Firms to Meet in Washington on Ransomware

The White House will host officials from 37 countries and 13 global companies in Washington this week to address the growing threat of ransomware and other cyber crime, including the illicit use of cryptocurrencies, a senior U.S. official said. The …

Reducing Inequality, Hiking Minimum Wage Could Boost U.S. Economy: White House

Boosting enforcement of antidiscrimination and antitrust laws, raising the federal minimum wage and higher unionization rates could substantially boost U.S. economic growth, a new report by President Joe Biden’s top economic advisers concludes. The annual Economic Report, prepared by the …

IMF Sees No ‘Bounce Back’ for Russia Economy, Expects More Damage if Sanctions Escalate

Russia’s economy will not recover anytime soon from sweeping sanctions imposed by Western nations over its war in Ukraine, and could see further damage if those sanctions are expanded to hit energy exports, the new chief economist of the International …

Biden Orders Government to Study Digital Dollar, Other Cryptocurrency Risks

U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Wednesday requiring the government to assess the risks and benefits of creating a central bank digital dollar, as well as other cryptocurrency issues, the White House said. Bitcoin surged on the …

Some U.S. Businesses Wary of Sanctions on Russia, Urge Safe Harbors, Exemptions

U.S. President Joe Biden has threatened to impose devastating sanctions on Russia if leader Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine, but some big companies and business groups are pushing the White House and lawmakers to be cautious. A trade group representing Chevron, …

Biden’s Vaccine Plan Puts OSHA in Spotlight; Expected to Trigger Legal Challenges

President Joe Biden’s sweeping new vaccine requirements have Republican governors threatening lawsuits. His unapologetic response: “Have at it.” The administration is gearing up for another major clash between federal and state rule. But while many details about the rules remain …