Articles by Andrea Wells

Andrea Wells is vice president of content for Wells Media Group Inc., overseeing coverage for its multiple print and digital platforms. She is a veteran insurance journalist with more than 20 years’ experience covering the property/casualty industry. She has won several awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), including awards for original research for her work on Insurance Journal’s annual salary survey of retail insurance agencies and its annual survey of young insurance agents. She can be reached at:

Insurance Tries to Keep Up with Sharing Economy

As more and more consumers click for services and borrow rather than buy, the sharing economy is benefitting. According to Harvard Business Review, the sharing or on-demand economy is attracting more than 22.4 million consumers and $57.6 billion in spending …

Automation and Workers of the Future

Automation won’t be replacing the entire workforce but about one-quarter of U.S. jobs could be severely disrupted as artificial intelligence (AI) takes hold in the near future. According to a new Brookings Institution report, roughly 36 million Americans hold jobs …

Navigating Today’s Nonprofit Insurance Market

Nonprofits are a lot like most insurance clients; there’s not much difference. They seek trusted and consultative relationships with their agents, brokers and carriers. They seek partners that understand their mission. But they also seek agents who understand in what …

Future of Agent Distribution

A funny thing is happening on the way to the future. As consumers’ and carriers’ behaviors, attitudes and expectations have been changing, independent agents are evolving to better serve both customers and carriers. In terms of customers, agents who have …

Why We Give Back

Once a year, Insurance Journal editors have the pleasure of publishing the very best news in the industry – the news about good deeds given to the community by dedicated insurance industry professionals. We have enjoyed pulling together this special …

Pink Agenda Wins Big When Broker Executive Laces Up for His First Marathon

While the more than 4,000 employees and leaders of Charlotte, N.C.-based wholesale broker AmWINS are involved in various charitable efforts all year long, this year their efforts to support one nonprofit that targets breast cancer research received special attention from …

How to Deliver Restaurants from Risks of Take-Out Boom

With a growing number of apps and on-demand services, millennials in particular are increasingly ordering take-out food from their favorite restaurants. As more restaurants expand services into delivery, risk managers must be mindful about vehicle exposures and aggressively manage not …

Insurance Brokers Sharing in the Sharing Economy

As more and more consumers click for services and borrow rather than buy, the sharing economy is benefitting. According to Harvard Business Review, the sharing or on-demand economy is attracting more than 22.4 million consumers and $57.6 billion in spending …

Reducing Fire Risk Doesn’t Cost More

Properties built in wildfire-prone areas could be built to better withstand fire risk without increasing the cost of construction. That’s according to a new study released last month that found negligible cost differences between a typical home and a home …

How Wholesale Brokers Are Winning Over the Next Generation

“Cool. Sexy. Rewarding. Fascinating. Flexible. Better than ESPN.” That’s not some googley-eyed entrepreneurial hotshots talking about the latest insurtech. That’s young brokers talking about the wholesale insurance business. While college students rarely start out expecting to enter wholesale, proactive and …