Articles by Andrea Wells

Andrea Wells is vice president of content for Wells Media Group Inc., overseeing coverage for its multiple print and digital platforms. She is a veteran insurance journalist with more than 20 years’ experience covering the property/casualty industry. She has won several awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), including awards for original research for her work on Insurance Journal’s annual salary survey of retail insurance agencies and its annual survey of young insurance agents. She can be reached at:

Top 10 Discrimination Claims in 2016

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) said it resolved 97,443 charges of employment discrimination in fiscal year 2016 and secured more than $482 million for victims of discrimination in private, federal and state, and local government workplaces. Charges of …

5 Things to Consider When Writing Nonprofit Social Service Organizations

Nonprofit organizations come in all shapes and sizes. They are a loyal bunch, often sticking with their valued agents and brokers for years, say two insurance specialists. Sheila Shaw, senior vice president, and Brad Storey, vice president, risk management, both …

Tow Truck Market Gets Hit Hard as Carriers Exit Market

Tow truck drivers operate in a dangerous world. Every day they face angry drivers while repossessing vehicles, dangerous driving and road conditions, near misses while operating heavy equipment, and close calls on U.S. freeways while hitching up wrecked vehicles. These …

A Look at Smart Buildings and Construction Risks

With “smart” building becoming the gold standard in today’s commercial construction world, builders, building owners, workers and insurers are dealing with new technologies and risks. These smart technologies — from high tech gadgets aimed at increasing building efficiencies to wearable …

Truck Drivers’ Health and Crash Risk

Commercial truck drivers with three or more medical conditions double to quadruple their chance for being in a crash than healthier drivers, reports a study led by investigators at the University of Utah School of Medicine. The findings suggest that …

Seizing Today’s Program Business Opportunities

Today’s program administrators continue to face plenty of challenges, including increased competition, high merger and acquisition activity, market pressures for more creative options, and other issues. Those challenges are leading to opportunities as the industry is forced to create and …

Today’s Insurance Agency E&O Costs, Coverage and Claims

Independent agency owners spend their entire careers worrying about the risks and exposures of others. Managing the risks of their own agencies can take a backseat to helping their clients. While agents appreciate the importance of errors and omissions (E&O) …

What to Expect in EPLI Under President Trump

What to Expect in 2017 There is no shortage of liability issues hanging over employers these days as the Trump Administration assumes office. Some controversial rules could be rewritten while others could be rolled back or eliminated altogether. Employer issues …

The Cost of Workplace Incivility

Workplace incivility can create lasting damage — whether employees are intentionally ignored, undermined by colleagues or publicly belittled by an insensitive manager, according to a recent article from McKinsey Quarterly. Hurtful workplace behavior can drain performance, increase employee turnover and …

Why Young Insurance Agents Are So Optimistic

It’s no secret that the insurance industry is facing a huge talent gap. Almost half of all insurance professionals are over age 45, with 25 percent of the industry expected to retire by 2018. That’s a concerning trend for the …