Articles by Andrea Wells

Andrea Wells is vice president of content for Wells Media Group Inc., overseeing coverage for its multiple print and digital platforms. She is a veteran insurance journalist with more than 20 years’ experience covering the property/casualty industry. She has won several awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), including awards for original research for her work on Insurance Journal’s annual salary survey of retail insurance agencies and its annual survey of young insurance agents. She can be reached at:

Paying Tribute

The industry saw the passing of two of its best known and respected leaders in the past month: Liam McGee, former CEO and executive chairman at The Hartford, and Robert Benmosche, former CEO of MetLife and American International Group. Both …

New Hires in 2015

About two-thirds of insurance carriers expect to hire more employees this year, a new survey finds. According to the semi-annual U.S. Insurance Labor Outlook Study conducted by The Jacobson Group and Ward Group, 66 percent of all insurance companies intend …

What’s Driving Nonstandard Auto – Technology, Consolidation, Population Changes, Fuel Specialty, Opportunity

The nonstandard auto market is characterized by substandard operating performance. Since 2007, carriers writing nonstandard auto policies have reported deteriorating operating performance and many are struggling to maintain market share. But that hasn’t stopped interest in this large – and …

Diversity Within Insurance Industry Serves Expanding Nonprofits

Nonprofit and social service organizations are as plentiful and diverse as the world itself. To better serve communities, nonprofits must bend, mold and adapt to rapidly changing conditions and so must the insurance industry that serves this specialty market, the …

Agent-Broker Profitability Reaches Record 21% for 2014

Agent-broker profitability reached 21 percent for 2014, a new record for the Reagan Consulting Organic Growth and Profitability (OGP) survey that began tracking profitability for agencies in 2008. That median profitability for EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) …

Employee Pay Up But Morale Down

Agency employees are not happy when it comes to compensation, and money isn’t the problem. Despite some reported increases in salaries and total compensation, many employees continue to be unsatisfied when it comes to overall compensation, according to Insurance Journal‘s …

Agent-Broker Profitability Reaches Record 21% for 2014: Reagan Consulting

Agent-broker profitability reached 21 percent for 2014, a new record for the Reagan Consulting Organic Growth and Profitability (OGP) survey that began tracking profitability for agencies in 2008. That median profitability for EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) …

Circle of Diversity Serving Nonprofits and Social Services

Nonprofit and social service organizations are as plentiful and diverse as the world itself. To better serve communities, nonprofits must bend, mold and adapt to rapidly changing conditions and so must the insurance industry that serves this specialty market, the …

Child Safety Ad Gone Wrong?

Nationwide Insurance ran into some social media backlash to its Super Bowl commercial that the company says was intended to spark a “fierce conversation” about preventing childhood deaths. The insurer issued a statement explaining and defending the ad. The ad …

Not All Program Market Competition Is Good

The program insurance business market has enjoyed years of growth and appears on track to continue its expansion. However, while program business is attracting new interest, some participants are cautioning that not all competition is good. Program business premiums grew …