Articles by Andrea Wells

Andrea Wells is vice president of content for Wells Media Group Inc., overseeing coverage for its multiple print and digital platforms. She is a veteran insurance journalist with more than 20 years’ experience covering the property/casualty industry. She has won several awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), including awards for original research for her work on Insurance Journal’s annual salary survey of retail insurance agencies and its annual survey of young insurance agents. She can be reached at:

Construction Renovation: Property Flips and Insurance

The number of U.S. single family home sales attributed to flipping is on the decline but that isn’t deterring investors. Despite the percentage of flipped homes shrinking to 3.7 percent of the total homes sold, the profits from flipping a …

Look Beyond Salary

Many Americans who leave their jobs to improve their financial situation fail to consider their total compensation package when making the decision, according to a consumer survey. The survey by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) found that many …

First Line of Defense: Insuring Volunteer Fire Departments

When it comes to saving property and lives the nation’s volunteer firefighters are often the first line of defense. Volunteers make up a majority of the nation’s firefighters — some 69 percent of firefighters in the United States. Of the …

A Quiet Revolution

Technology will not replace all agents and brokers but it will force agents, brokers and carriers to adjust how they handle consumers’ preferences. That’s according to the latest sigma study by Swiss Re, “Digital distribution in insurance: a quiet revolution.” …

‘Balance’ for Workers’ Comp

The workers’ compensation market is returning to a state of “balance.” That’s according to this year’s state of the industry address at NCCI’s annual symposium where analysts reported that the workers’ compensation combined ratio rang in at 101 in 2013, …

Stable, Attractive MGA Market, Now and in the Future: Conning Report

Managing general agents represent an important access point for insurers interested in specialty markets. It’s also a growing segment. That’s according to a new report by Conning, an investment management company for the insurance industry. The study – “Managing General …

Unhappy Auto Customers

Customers who switch auto insurance carriers due to poor service often end up sorry they did because they end up paying more. While a poor experience with their insurer is the leading reason customers shop for, and ultimately switch to …

10 Challenges Ahead for Workers’ Compensation

Today’s challenges are also tomorrow’s opportunities depending on the viewpoint. Those same opportunities could also remain tomorrow’s challenges. This special report highlights 10 current workers’ compensation issues and offers opinion on why they could be tomorrow’s challenges for the line. …

Why Some Young Agents Chose Insurance as a Career

The call to become an insurance agent is different for everyone. For Matthew Ostrow the call to become an independent agent came via social media. Thirty-year old Ostrow entered insurance just five months ago after a recruiting firm contacted him …

My New Markets

My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal’s sister website: Need a Market? Find it. FAST. Florida Agriculture Bond Market Detail: Smith Insurance & Bonds’ offers coverage to meet the agricultural products dealer bond required in the …