Articles by Andrea Wells

Andrea Wells is vice president of content for Wells Media Group Inc., overseeing coverage for its multiple print and digital platforms. She is a veteran insurance journalist with more than 20 years’ experience covering the property/casualty industry. She has won several awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), including awards for original research for her work on Insurance Journal’s annual salary survey of retail insurance agencies and its annual survey of young insurance agents. She can be reached at:

Fact or Fiction?

Insurance geeks everywhere are buzzing about the latest issue of Insurance Journal. Well, maybe not, but this issue is sure to get a buzz or two from insurance news geeks nationwide. That’s because the last issue of 2011 offers a …

All in the Family

Young Agents Survey Reveals Strong Family Ties Bryan Hanes grew up in the family business listening to stories about life in a small town. He heard his grandfather and then father sharing cheerful conversations with local towns folk about personal …

How to Produce and Keep Happy Claimants

The best way to keep agency customers happy is to avoid claims in the first place but, of course, that’s easier said than done. When claims do happen, independent agents can play a valuable role in determining whether the customer …

Agency E&O Survey: Why Agents Buy Coverage

Agency owners have a lot to protect. Of course, first and foremost they must protect their clients. But they must also protect their book of business. They must protect their relationships. They must protect their reputation in the community they …

How to Produce and Keep Happy Claimants

The best way to keep agency customers happy is to avoid claims in the first place but, of course, that’s easier said than done. When claims do happen, independent agents can play a valuable role in determining whether the customer …

What Do YOU Want in Agency E&O? Take the Survey Now

Don’t miss your chance to find out what’s been going on with insurance agents’ errors and omissions (E&O) insurance. Insurance Journal’s annual survey solicits the experiences and opinions of property/casualty insurance agents on agency E&O markets, pricing, underwriting, risk management …

Jansen and Hastings Launch Cove MGA

Two veterans in the London insurance marketplace have come together again to launch a new underwriting agency with a focus on U.S.-based homebuilders. Paul Jansen and Kevin Hastings have launched Cove Programs, a newly formed underwriting agency and approved Lloyd’s …


An entrepreneurial mindset gives individuals a different perception of the world and allows them to stand apart from others. Cultivating this mindset can mean the difference between being an employee and a CEO. An entrepreneurial student group at Ryerson University …

9/11 and Terrorism Risk 10 Years Later

The Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks forever changed how the insurance industry views terrorism risk, says Robert Hartwig, president of the Insurance Information Institute. For the global insurance and reinsurance industry the impact from 9/11 was substantial, amounting to insured …

On the Slow Track

With jobs being scarce, many people lucky enough to have one are wondering what they must do to keep theirs. The anxiety is particularly acute for older employees, those aged about 55 and up, who fear if they lose the …