Articles by Andrew Chung

Supreme Court Offs Ban on Foul Language Trademarks

The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a longstanding U.S. ban on trademarks on “immoral” or “scandalous” words and symbols, ruling in a case involving a clothing brand with an indelicate name that the law violates constitutional free speech rights. …

Supreme Court to Hear BP Unit’s Montana Superfund Site Dispute

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to a hear a bid by a unit of British oil major BP to avoid a lawsuit by private landowners in Montana seeking to force the company to pay for a more extensive …

Supreme Court to Review Racial Bias Claim Against Comcast

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a bid by cable operator Comcast Corp. to throw out racial bias claims accusing the company of discriminating against black-owned television channels. The justices will review a decision by the San …

Supreme Court Sends Merck Warning Label Case Back to Lower Court

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday gave Merck & Co. a new opportunity to avoid lawsuits accusing the company of failing to properly warn patients of debilitating thigh-bone fractures from taking its osteoporosis drug Fosamax, throwing out a lower court …

Supreme Court Gives Business Another Victory on Arbitration, Class Actions

In a decision that could further help companies limit damages in disputes with workers, the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled against a California man who was the victim of an online scam and sought to bring claims against his …

Supreme Court Justices Politely Debate Offensive Trademark

U.S. Supreme Court justices tiptoed around the offensive word at the center of a free speech case on Monday as they considered a challenge to a federal law that restricts trademarks on “immoral” and “scandalous” words and symbols. The nine …

Supreme Court Casts Doubt on $8.5 Million Google Privacy Settlement

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday put in jeopardy an $8.5 million settlement Google made with users to resolve a class action lawsuit accusing it of violating their privacy by sharing users’ search queries with other websites. The justices, in …

Supreme Court Justices Appear to Favor Merck in Drug Warning Case

U.S. Supreme Court justices on Monday appeared sympathetic to Merck & Co. in its bid to fend off hundreds of lawsuits accusing the company of failing to adequately warn patients of the risks of thigh bone fractures associated with its …

Supreme Court Backs Arbitration in Kavanaugh’s First Written Opinion

The U.S. Supreme Court’s newest member, Brett Kavanaugh, issued his first written opinion on Tuesday as the justices in a unanimous ruling bolstered companies’ ability to use arbitration to resolve disputes with customers or other businesses. The court decided 9-0 …

Supreme Court Weighs Liability for Sharing Fraudulent Securities Information

U.S. Supreme Court justices on Monday appeared reluctant to further limit the scope of who can be held liable for violating laws that protect investors from securities fraud as they weighed an appeal by a New York investment banker who …