Articles by Andrew DeMillo

Monsanto Moves to Stop Arkansas from Banning its Dicamba Weed Killer

Monsanto has asked a judge to prevent Arkansas from enforcing a proposal going before lawmakers next week that would ban the use of a weed killer that farmers in several states have said drifts onto their crops and causes widespread …

Arkansas Officials: Highway Funding May Have to Wait Until 2019

Arkansas highway officials have left open the possibility they’ll take a road funding proposal to lawmakers in 2019 rather than pursue a ballot measure next year. The move comes a day after Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he would oppose any …

Arkansas Gov. Opposed to Tapping General Revenue for Road Improvements

Arkansas’ governor says he’ll “vigorously oppose” any highway funding ballot initiative that calls for tapping into general revenue for road needs. Gov. Asa Hutchinson told reporters he opposes any attempt to divert tax revenue from new and used car sales, …

Analysis: Arkansans May See Competing Tort Reform Measures on Ballot

An effort to limit civil damages in lawsuits and give the Arkansas Legislature control over court rules was already shaping up to be one of the biggest and expensive campaigns in next year’s election. A competing measure the state Bar …

Analysis: Uncertainty Helps Keep Arkansas Medicaid Expansion Alive

One of the biggest accomplishments of the Arkansas legislative session that’s wrapping up is what didn’t happen. For the first time since the program was created four years ago, there was little to no drama over the future of the …

Medical Marijuana OK’d in Conservative Arkansas, but Fights Remain

Arkansas voters handed marijuana advocates a significant victory by passing a measure that would legalize the drug for medical use, but groups on both sides of the issue are now gearing up for fights over how to set up the …

Court Disqualifies 1 of 2 Medical Marijuana Proposals on Arkansas Ballot

Arkansas Supreme Court has disqualified a medical marijuana proposal from the November ballot less than two weeks before the election and with thousands of votes already cast, but voters will still be able to consider a competing plan. In a …

Senate Candidate Eldridge, Arkansas Democrats Back Medical Marijuana

Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Conner Eldridge has endorsed legalizing medical marijuana, a move that comes days after Arkansas Democrats voted to support making the drug available to some patients. But both Eldridge and state Democrats stopped short of endorsing either …

Group Asks Arkansas Court Asked to Block Measure on Medical Lawsuit Caps

A group opposed to a ballot proposal that would place limits on damages in medical lawsuits asked Arkansas’ highest court to block voting on the proposed constitutional amendment in November. Fairness for Arkansans, a group that was formed by the …

Arkansas Panel Wants Definition of ‘Small Business’ Expanded

A legislative panel has asked Arkansas’ insurance commissioner to expand the definition of small businesses so more companies can purchase coverage for their employees through a marketplace. But state Insurance Commissioner Allen Kerr said he doesn’t have the power to …