Articles by Andrew DeMillo and Jim Salter

Arkansas Tornado Hits 1 Street Particularly Hard

Mark Wade and his family heard the dire warnings on TV and the tornado sirens, and were prepared to ride out the storm in their closet when a neighbor across the street on Vilonia’s Aspen Creek Drive yelled out: “Come …

Arkansas Lawmakers Approve Insurance Exchange Funds

Arkansas lawmakers have narrowly approved a $10.6 million grant to continue operating the insurance marketplace under the federal health overhaul, despite objections from some legislators over the law’s rocky start. The Arkansas Legislative Council approved the grant on a 21-18 …

Arkansas AG: School District Must Name Teachers in Gun Program

An Arkansas school district that trained more than 20 teachers and staff to carry concealed handguns on campus through a program that faces questions over its legality was wrong to make secret the names of the employees, the state’s top …

4 Insurance Companies Interested in Arkansas Exchange

Four insurance companies plan to sell their policies to more than 500,000 Arkansas residents through an online marketplace created under the federal health care law, the state Insurance Department announced. The department said four companies sent letters by the June …

Analysis: Private Health Plan Option Tough Sell for Arkansas GOP Voters

For Arkansas Republicans elected on a vow to defeat the federal health care overhaul, a proposal to expand subsidized insurance relying on a key part of that law has been far from an easy pitch. Here comes the toughest sell …

Arkansas Governor: U.S. Government Will Help With Private Insurance

Federal officials have offered “conceptual support” for Arkansas’ plan to use Medicaid dollars to buy private health insurance for low-income residents, Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe announced as he urged the Republican-led Legislature to move forward with the proposal. In a …

Arkansas Legislative Leaders Back Insurance Expansion

The Republican leaders of the Arkansas House and Senate have endorsed a proposal to purchase private insurance for thousands of low-income workers using federal funds, an idea lawmakers are considering as an alternative to expanding Medicaid’s enrollment under the federal …

Arkansas Chamber of Commerce Backs Insurance Expansion

Arkansas’ largest business lobbying organization backed a proposal to provide subsidized health insurance to thousands of low-income residents, a move that could help win over lawmakers skeptical of the alternative to expanding the state’s Medicaid program. The Arkansas State Chamber …

Arkansas Lawmakers Weigh Competing Tort Reform Ideas

Arkansas lawmakers are weighing competing ballot measures to address rulings that overturned parts of a 2003 tort reform law, including a proposal to give the Legislature the authority to write the rules and practices for the state’s courts. The move …

Arkansas Lawmakers Advance Guns in Church Bill Minus Insurance Provision

An Arkansas Senate panel advanced a proposal this week to allow concealed handguns in churches, but rejected an amendment to require places of worship to carry more insurance if firearms are permitted. A House committee also endorsed a resolution encouraging …