Articles by Andrew Longstreth

Analysis: 2 Factors Key to Lawsuits Over New York Train Crash

For lawyers preparing to sue over Sunday’s deadly New York commuter rail accident, their success in court may depend largely on two factors: whether human error caused the derailment and if state or federal law governs railroad safety in the …

High Court Rules for American Express in Class Action Case

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that an arbitration agreement prevents merchants from bringing class action claims against American Express Co . The nine-member court ruled on a 5-3 vote, with liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor recused, that American Express’s …

Google Pact with FTC Could Affect Other Patent Disputes

While the focus of last week’s agreement between the Federal Trade Commission and Google Inc. was search, the deal’s restrictions on how Google uses its patents could have a broader impact on the technology industry. Under the deal, which ended …

States Plan to Sue EPA Over Greenhouse Gas Regulations

A coalition of seven eastern states led by New York plans to sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for failing to issue new guidelines to curb methane emissions, a greenhouse gas that may be linked to climate change. In a …

BP’s $7.8 Billion Deal May Speed Gulf Spill Payments

The estimated $7.8 billion deal struck by BP Plc with businesses and individuals suing over the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill could speed up payments to thousands of claimants and offers lawyers a potential windfall in legal fees. …

BP Settlement Relieves Feinberg of Duties; New Claims Process to Start

The man who has paid out billions of dollars to victims of the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill has been formally relieved of his duties, and a federal judge has set up a new process to let more …

Lawyers in Gulf Oil Spill Settlement Prepare for Fight Over Fees

The estimated $7.8 billion settlement reached last week between BP Plc and attorneys for victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill left many details unresolved, but at least one thing looks like a sure bet. The lawyers are gearing …

BP Settlement Relieves Feinberg of Duties; New Claims Process to Start

The man who has paid out billions of dollars to victims of the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill has been formally relieved of his duties, and a federal judge has set up a new process to let more …

BP’s $7.8 Billion Deal May Speed Gulf Spill Payments

The estimated $7.8 billion deal struck by BP Plc with businesses and individuals suing over the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill could speed up payments to thousands of claimants and offers lawyers a potential windfall in legal fees. …

BP Reaches $7.8 Billion Deal Over Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

BP Plc has reached an estimated $7.8 billion deal with businesses suing over the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the company said on Friday, but the oil giant still faces claims by the U.S. government, Gulf states and …