Articles by Tom Hals, Andrew Longstreth and Steve Stecklow

Cruise Ship Industry Leaves Crash Victims Little Hope for Recovery

When Walter Henry Alderfer learned last month about the Costa Concordia shipwreck off Italy, it brought back bad memories. In April 2007, he, his wife and his daughter were aboard the Sea Diamond cruise ship when it struck a reef …

Lawyers Jump Into Cruise Ship Disaster Cases

Soon after Mitchell Proner, a New York personal-injury lawyer, heard about the capsizing of the Costa Concordia off the coast of Italy, he sprang into action. Proner, who specializes in motorcycle-accident lawsuits, has never litigated a maritime case. But he …

Cruise Ship Victims Can’t Use U.S. Courts: Expert

Victims of the Italian cruise ship disaster who might seek to sue in the United States, where damages lawsuits are a virtual industry, may be barred from doing so. The primary reason, legal experts said, is that contracts written into …

Supreme Court Walmart Ruling Shakes Up Employment Class Actions

The Supreme Court’s decision in Wal-Mart v. Dukes, heralded last term as a game-changer in employment class actions, has lived up to the hype. Since the Court issued the Dukes decision in June, it has been cited by lower courts …

Healthcare Execs Facing ‘Responsible Corporate Officer’ Strict Liability

After decades in relative obscurity, a U.S. legal doctrine that holds corporate officers liable for company wrongdoing is finding its way back into some high-profile healthcare prosecutions. The “responsible corporate officer” doctrine allows for prison terms of up to one …

Whistleblower Laws, Lucrative for Some States, Stall in Others

For many states, a law intended to root out corruption also has been good for the bottom line. Over the last decade, more than 20 states have passed a version of the federal anti-corruption law known as the False Claims …

The Legal Landscape for MF Global’s Jon Corzine

If the Federal Bureau of Investigation turns up evidence that MF Global Holdings Ltd improperly mixed customer accounts and its own funds, it would still be difficult to prosecute the firm’s CEO, Jon Corzine, on criminal charges, legal experts said. …

Business Lobby Looks to Soften Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has put reshaping a U.S. anti-bribery law near the top of its legislative wish list, setting up a battle pitting the powerful business lobby group against supporters of the statute who say it helps fight …

Madoff Trustee’s Loss Formula Upheld

A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday upheld a method developed by the trustee liquidating Bernard Madoff’s firm for determining how to calculate investor losses, handing a defeat to so-called “net winners.” The trustee, Irving Picard, has argued that investor losses …

Investors’ Suits Against News Corp. Directors Face Long Odds

News Corp. shareholders angry over the hacking scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch’s media conglomerate face an uphill fight trying to hold company executives and directors responsible in court. In the nearly six weeks since the scandal erupted, shareholders have seen roughly …