Articles by Andrew Longstreth and Dan Wilchins

Wells Fargo to Pay $590 Million to Settle Wachovia Claim

Wells Fargo & Co. plans to pay $590 million to settle a class action lawsuit regarding Wachovia preferred securities and debt, the company said Friday. The 2009 class action case was filed in a federal court in New York City …

Strauss-Kahn: Going From Defendant to Plaintiff Could Be Risky

After spending six weeks as a defendant in a criminal sexual assault case that now appears to be falling apart, Dominique Strauss-Kahn may have a seat waiting for him at the plaintiffs’ table, but taking it comes with risks and …

GE Unlikely to Face Liability in Japanese Nuclear Crisis

The Japanese nuclear crisis has created a public-relations headache for General Electric, but the company so far has escaped any legal fallout, and many experts expect it will continue to do so. GE designed the Mark 1 containment systems used …