Articles by Andrew G. Simpson

Simpson is a freelance writer and editor. He retired as Chief Content Officer for Wells Media Group in July, 2022 after 18 years with the company.

Insurance, Banking Groups Balk at Limits on Flood Insurance Operations During Shutdown

As indicated by a report by Insurance Journal over the holidays, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is limiting the authority of the nation’s flood insurance program to issue new and renewal policies during the federal government shutdown. The insurance …

President Signs Flood Insurance Extension But Government Shutdown Could Limit Operations

On Friday, December 21, 2018, President Trump signed into law a measure reauthorizing the National Flood Insurance Program until May 31, 2019. The flood program was set to expire at midnight on Dec. 21. However, the partial federal government shutdown …

AIG Arranges First CLO Deal Since Financial Crisis

American International Group Inc. has returned to the red-hot collateralized loan obligation market as an asset manager with its first sale since the financial crisis. The $500 million transaction is being arranged by Credit Suisse Group AG, and its most …

What Insurers Want and Get from Insurtech Partnerships

Remember the scene in the 1989 movie When Harry Met Sally? During lunch with Harry at a deli, Sally very publicly fakes a wild orgasm. A nearby patron, when asked what she’d like to order, signals in Sally’s direction and …

Analysts Weigh Chances Next Congress Will Actually Reform Flood Insurance

With the clock ticking on the National Flood Insurance Program’s authorization that is set to run out this Friday, Nov. 30, Congress is expected to renew the program short-term by taking one of several routes: passing a bill to extend …

Exclusive: Insiders Symington, Lehmann Analyze Mid-Term Elections for P/C Insurance

The voters have spoken. Republicans have increased their slight advantage in the Senate, while Democrats have flipped the House and will now be in control there. Of course, President Trump, a Republican, still occupies the White House. Now what? What …

Flood Insurance Program to Lapse Nov. 30 Unless Congress Acts

Once again the fate of the nation’s flood insurance program is coming down to the wire. Authorization for the program is set to expire Friday, Nov. 30 unless Congress acts. The most likely action will be another short-term extension. Sens. …

Insurtech Profile: Broker Buddha Simplifies Agents’ Lives with Smart Forms

Many insurtechs find one problem and try to solve it. Broker Buddha is among them. This platform takes static PDF insurance carrier applications and converts them into interactive online smart forms that agents and their clients can both access for …

FEMA Seeking to Renew Its Private Reinsurance for Flood Insurance Program

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has begun the process of renewing its private market reinsurance for the National Flood Insurance Program for 2019, a purchase that could encompass $2 billion of reinsurance. FEMA said it intends to procure reinsurance …

Great American Insurance Names Liberty Mutual’s Artin to Cyber Liability Team

Great American Insurance Group has hired Kelli Artin as divisional vice president of Cyber Liability. Artin will focus on the distribution strategy and marketing of the company’s cyber risk insurance offerings. Artin most recently served as a vice president with …