Articles by Anna Hirtenstein

Europe’s Banks Move to Greener Finance in Response to Climate Change Risks

Some of Europe’s largest banks are unveiling plans to lend and manage money in greener ways as pressure mounts to account for risks associated with climate change. “It is coming, it’s a trend that’s started,” said Louis Douady, head of …

AXA Insurance Chief Warns of ‘Uninsurable Basements’ from New York to Mumbai

Private property below ground in New York and Mumbai may not be insurable in the next decade if climate change advances, the head of one of Europe’s largest insurers said. “If you go much further to 2020, 2030, we can …

Many Large Investors Tackle Climate Risks with Greener Investments

Most of the world’s largest asset owners have gotten the message that climate change poses a risk to their portfolios and are pivoting toward greener investments. Funds worth $27 trillion that comprise 60 percent of the world’s biggest investors are …

U.K. Has 1st Day Without Burning Coal for Power Since 1880s

The U.K. had its first full day without burning coal to make electricity since the Industrial Revolution more than a century ago, according to grid operator National Grid Plc. “Friday 21st April 2017 was the first 24-hour period since the …

Air Pollution Affects Many London Parks

London is famous for its numerous parks and gardens, but even those green spaces aren’t safe from pollution. The air in many city parks surpass legal limits for nitrogen oxide set by the European Union, according to data website …

‘Weird & Wacky’ Methods to Absorb Global Warming Pollution Viewed Too Risky

Some of the most dramatic measures to suck global warming pollution out of the atmosphere are probably too risky to be worth trying, an academic at a climate research institution concluded. Phil Williamson, a scientist at the University of East …

Climate Risk May Hit Equity Portfolios as Investor Sentiment Shifts: Study

Equity portfolios may lose as much as 45 percent of their value due to shifting investor sentiment about climate change, according to a report by. Investors are becoming more aware of the short-term impact that the warming planet may have …