Articles by Alan Smith

Insurance Shows That Federalism Works

Fifty-four years ago, the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations was established by statute to examine the best or most logical accommodations of federalism. For many years, it held quarterly meetings in the New Executive Office Building in Washington, letting some …

Indiana Balance-Billing Law Latest in Fight Over ‘Reasonable’ Charges

One of the long-standing tensions in health care finance — whether you’re talking about health insurance or managed care, for-profit or non-profit, workers’ compensation, Medicare, Tricare, automobile medical payments, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and dozens of state versions …

Could this be the Year for No-Fault Reform in Michigan?

Maybe the Michigan auto insurance law was “essential” when it became law, but in the last four decades it has become luxurious compared to all other states. Gov. Rick Snyder and insurance committee chairs Sen. Joe Hune, R-Hamburg Township, and …

Michigan’s Unlimited Auto Insurance, Revisited

Most of the attempts to fix Michigan’s long-time Essential Insurance Act have ended as spectacularly as the meteor which exploded over the Ural Mountains town of Chelyabinsk a few days ago, injuring over a thousand stunned residents of central Russia. …