Articles by Associated Press

Congress Forwards President Bush Bill Designed to Boost Reporting of Medical Mistakes

A national system designed to increase reporting of medical errors has won final congressional approval and been sent to President Bush. It is estimated that more than 250 Americans die every day as a result of preventable medical errors. Health …

Va. Republicans Sue Insurer for $1M Cost of Eavesdropping Scandal

The Republican Party of Virginia is suing its liability insurance carrier, seeking nearly $1 million in reimbursement for the GOP’s payout to settle a lawsuit over the eavesdropping scandal and attorneys’ fees the insurer refused to cover. The state GOP …

Md. Sedan Owners: Latest Insurance Hike Causing Industry Crisis

Already reeling from one insurance rate increase still under appeal, independent sedan transportation operators in Maryland have been told rates will be going up again. The Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund, a quasi-government pool that supplies insurance to motorists turned down …

Harvard Developing Uniform Apology Policy for Boston Hospitals

Some of Harvard Medical School’s top teaching hospitals may add a lesson for their doctors: how to say sorry. A national specialist on patient safety, Dr. Lucian Leape, has led a group of physicians, patients, and hospital executives in drafting …

Safety Groups Press for Rollover, Other Measures in Highway Bill

Safety advocates are urging lawmakers to include new automobile safety requirements in a long overdue highway bill. Among the issues they want addressed are ways to reduce deaths from accidents when vehicles roll over and when people are thrown from …

GOP Calls on NY’s Spitzer to Return Donation from Former Aon Exec

New York’s Republican chairman called on state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer to return a $25,000 campaign donation from a former top executive of a company his office had investigated. The donation from Richard Ferrucci, a former senior vice president of …

U.S. Rep. Seeks to Halt Denial of Insurance Due to Travel Plans

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., was outraged when she applied for additional life insurance and was denied because she might travel to Israel at some unspecified point. So now she’s planning to file a bill to prevent the practice. …

Double-Digit Hikes in Health Costs Prove Drag on Profits, Hiring, Raises

Employees are facing a double whammy when it comes to health care costs: Many companies are likely to ask workers to pay more for their insurance while rising health care costs means companies may dole out lower raises. Half of …

Business Leaders Launch Campaign to Combat Data Fraud, Losses

After a string of high-profile data thefts and losses, business leaders this week announced an education campaign to better protect sensitive client information from hackers and other thieves. “The fraudsters are ever more sophisticated than they have been in the …

R.I. Blues Settles Class Action Suits Over Drug Discounts for $17.5 Million

Rhode Island’s largest health insurer, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, has agreed to pay $17.5 million to settle two class-action lawsuits affecting thousands of customers. Under the settlement, Blue Cross payments ranging from $10 to $1,400 will …