Articles by Barbara Lewis

Europe Urged to Retain Climate Leadership As Competitive Advantage

Europe’s abdication from climate leadership would stunt growth in the region and hand a huge economic advantage to China and the United States as they carve out their share of a multi-billion low-carbon market, a German thinktank said on Thursday. …

Despair after Climate Conference Inaction, but UN Still Offers Hope

At the end of another lavishly-funded U.N. conference that yielded no progress on curbing greenhouse emissions, many of those most concerned about climate change are close to despair. As thousands of delegates checked out of their air-conditioned hotel rooms in …

Extreme Weather is New Normal, U.N.’s Ban Tells Climate Change Talks

Extreme weather is the new normal and poses a threat to the human race, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Tuesday as he sought to revive deadlocked global climate change talks. Ban’s intervention came as efforts to agree a symbolic …

EU’s Debt Crisis Saps its Ability to Lead Climate Change Debate

The EU’s debt crisis has sapped its ability to lead the way in global climate talks, which began in Doha on Monday, and to build on a fragile victory it clinched a year ago. The European Union is one of …

EU Fails to Fill Cash Gap as Climate Talks Loom

EU finance ministers have failed to deliver firm promises of cash to help poor nations deal with climate change, threatening progress at international talks to tackle global warming later this month. Talks on Tuesday in Brussels agreed vague wording but …

EU Countries ‘Dithering’ over Climate Change Fund

EU nations are dithering over how to fill a multi-billion-euro fund to help tackle climate change, just as the region’s executive body hosts talks with countries likely to bear the brunt of extreme weather. The European Union recommitted to providing …