Articles by Bernard Condon

Zombies: Ranks of World’s Most Debt-Hobbled Firms Soaring, and Not All Will Survive

They are called zombies, companies so laden with debt that they are just stumbling by on the brink of survival, barely able to pay even the interest on their loans and often just a bad business hit away from dying …

Trump Avoids ‘Corporate Death Penalty’ in Civil Fraud Case, But Business Still Slammed

Donald Trump won’t face the corporate death penalty after all. A New York judge on Friday spared the ex-president that worst case punishment as he ruled in a civil case alleging Trump fraudulently misrepresented financial figures to get cheaper loans …

2018 Engineering Report Showed ‘Major’ Damage to Florida Condo That Fell

The ground-floor pool deck of the oceanfront condominium building that collapsed near Miami was resting on a concrete slab that had “major structural damage” and needed to be extensively repaired, according to a 2018 engineering report that also uncovered “abundant …

New York Undercounted Nursing Home Deaths by Thousands, Attorney General Says

New York may have undercounted COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents by thousands, the state attorney general charged in a report Thursday that dealt a blow to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s oft-repeated claims that his state is doing better than others …

How U.S. Government Will Handle COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Claims Is Largely a Secret

Lost in the U.S. launch of the coronavirus vaccine is a fact most don’t know when they roll up their sleeves: In rare cases of serious illness from the shots, the injured are blocked from suing and steered instead to …

As Deaths Rise to 20,000, Nursing Homes Seek Immunity from Lawsuits

Faced with 20,000 coronavirus deaths and counting, the nation’s nursing homes are pushing back against a potential flood of lawsuits with a sweeping lobbying effort to get states to grant them emergency protection from claims of inadequate care. At least …

Kobe Bryant’s Death Throws Spotlight on Crash-Warning System

The crash that killed nine people including Kobe Bryant has led to calls for crash-warning systems to be installed in more helicopters, but regulators and pilots worry that the instrument can trigger too many alarms and prove distracting. “Another warning …

Under New State Laws, Catholic Church Could See New Wave of Abuse Suits

A wave of new laws in 15 states that allow people to make claims of sexual abuse going back decades could bring a deluge of lawsuits against the Roman Catholic Church that could surpass anything seen so far in its …

Kushner Cos. Fined $210K by New York for False Documents

The Kushner family real estate company was fined $210,000 by New York City regulators on Monday following an Associated Press investigation earlier this year that showed it routinely filed false documents with the city claiming it had no rent-regulated tenants …