Articles by Bill Kaczor

Florida State Senator Urges Insurance Chief McCarty to Resign

A state senator wants Florida’s insurance commissioner to resign, calling him “duplicitous and untrustworty” last week in a letter to Gov. Charlie Crist. Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, wrote Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty a lengthy letter demanding that he resign because …

Insurers’ Taxes Could Back Florida Private School Voucher Program

A private school voucher program for children from low-income families in Florida would be strengthened by a bill the House passed last week, but critics say it would be another financial blow for public education. Businesses now can take a …

State Farm Appeals Conditions Placed on Florida Withdrawal

State Farm Florida on Friday appealed stipulations that Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty has put on its plan to withdraw from the state’s property insurance market. Florida’s second largest insurer of homes and other property filed an administrative appeal that argues …

Florida Citizens’ Board Member With Ties to Sansom Resigns

A key figure in allegations that former House Speaker Ray Sansom misused his previous office as the chamber’s budget chairman has resigned from the board that oversees a state-created insurance company. Confirmation of Jay Odom’s resignation came as a grand …

Florida Supreme Court Won’t Review ‘Inherently Dangerous’ Product Case

The Florida Supreme Court has let stand a Broward County smoker’s $545,000 award in a tobacco case that also may affect liability claims for a broad range of other “inherently dangerous” products. Those items can range from guns, knives, motorcycles …

Florida Cigarette Case Could Affect Other Products

A tobacco lawyer has asked the Florida Supreme Court to reverse a $545,000 product liability verdict because the ailing smoker who won the judgment wasn’t required to prove the company could have made a safer cigarette. It’s a case that …

Florida, Berkshire Hathaway Strike $224 Million Deal on Insurance Fund

Florida will pay $224 million to Berkshire Hathaway Inc. for a guarantee that the state can borrow up to $4 billion if necessary to help cover future losses by its emergency hurricane insurance fund. Gov. Charlie Crist and Chief Financial …

Board Won’t Exclude 2 Investment Firms from Florida Bidding

Two major investment firms will advise Florida on financing its hurricane catastrophe insurance fund although Gov. Charlie Crist tried to exclude them. Crist wanted to keep Lehman Brothers and J.P. Morgan from joining the “cat fund” investment team because they …

Homeowners Can Be Liable if Trees, Bushes Cause Traffic Accidents

Homeowners who let bushes, shrubs and trees extend into the public right of way may be held liable if the foliage contributes to accidents by blocking motorists’ view, the Florida Supreme Court ruled recently. The high court’s 4-3 decision came …

Fla. Homeowners Can Be Liable if Trees, Bushes Cause Traffic Accidents

Homeowners who let bushes, shrubs and trees extend into the public right of way may be held liable if the foliage contributes to accidents by blocking motorists’ view, the Florida Supreme Court ruled last week. The high court’s 4-3 decision …