Articles by Bill Roof

Unique Coverages, A Hard Market Look at How Programs Are Meeting Needs of Challenging Risks

Underwriting tough risks can be particularly troublesome in a hardening market. Where do you turn when rates skyrocket, exclusions multiply or worse, when carriers begin to shut their doors to classes that no longer promise profitability? One option to explore …

Nonprofits Growing Fast, But Still a Tough Classto Cover

Nonprofit organizations are among the fastest growing sectors of the U.S. economy and while many companies try to steer away from writing policies for nonprofits, there are a few that thrive on the business. Those who do focus on the …

A Time for Calm

A formal declaration notwithstanding, the United States must prepare to stamp out organized terrorism. This will have a profound impact on the global insurance industry well beyond the estimated billions in losses from the attacks in New York City and …

NAPSLO Retrospective: A Visit With Outgoing President John Latham

John Latham will soon step aside as National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) president making room for Tap Johnson, Jr. Before his exit, he agreed to spend a few minutes with Insurance Journal to review his term as …

Incoming NAPSLO President Focuses on Regulatory Issues, Technology

When John Latham steps down as president of the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) in San Antonio later this month, Tapley O. Johnson, Jr., will take on the office as incoming president and continue moving the organization …

NAPSLO Retrospective: A Visit With Outgoing President John Latham

John Latham will step aside as National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) president later this month making room for Tap Johnson, Jr. Before his exit, he agreed to spend a few minutes with Insurance Journal to review his …

Mileage-Based Auto Insurance’

Rule makers over at TDI are huddling these days trying to decide how best to promul-gate regulations for the pending implementation of private passenger auto insurance by-the- mile for Texas drivers. The measure was born of HB 45 which essentially …

Hardening Market Heralds Rush to Alternatives

During the last hard market, much of corporate America wasted little time in stepping up the search for risk transfer alternatives to traditional commercial insurance. The current hard market appears to be no different if rates, premium growth and expanding …

Well-Control Coverage Drying Up for Small, Independents in Oil Patch

Oil and gas drillers in Texas are averaging about 40 new holes in the ground every day as the pace of looking for petroleum, especially natural gas, continues unabated in Texas and elsewhere, and that’s understandable. Industry forecasts estimate a …

The Info Management Challenge

One burdensome fact of professional life for agents is that the industry may be the unrivaled champion when it comes to accessing and maintaining consumer information. This information can come from a variety of sources ranging from the ISO “All …