Articles by Catherine Oak and Bill Schoeffler

Oak is the founder of the consulting firm, Oak & Associates, based in Northern California and Central Oregon. Schoeffler is an associate of the firm. Oak & Associates. Phone: 707-935-6565. Email:

Trends for 2012

Soft Market Here to Stay, Merger Activity, Financial Pressures and More In order to be proactive, one needs to understand and exploit current and future trends. So what will 2012 be like for insurance agents and brokers? The following is …

The Power of the Mastermind

What is a mastermind group? A mastermind group is simply an alliance of two or more individuals dedicating themselves to a specific goal. It is a way to get all the knowledge, expertise, and connections one needs to achieve their …

The Financial Side of Acquisitions

The merger and acquisition trend of agencies continues, despite the turndown in the economy. One reason for this trend is that publicly traded firms and those run by investment companies need to show growth despite today’s flat or soft market. …

Training Your Sales Dogs

Catherine just got a brand-new puppy for the family. In the course of integrating this cute little four-legged critter into its new environment it was interesting to note the similarity in training a puppy to bringing on a new salesperson. …

Training & Mentoring for the New Economy

The dust is settling and people are getting used to the new economy (which is not necessarily a good thing). It is clear that one thing is certain, and that is uncertainty. Many businesses now have lower revenue and less …

Why Agencies Might Need a Trusted Adviser or Coach

Many owners in agencies today have a lot on their plate. They may be having a hard time making the budget and paying expenses on time. Growing in these economic times is somewhat difficult. Producers may need to learn new …

Agency Management by TV Reality Shows

What Agency Owners Might Learn from ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ and ‘Undercover Boss’ Reality shows have taken over television. Every network has at least a few each week. They range from absurd spin-offs of Japanese game shows to personal challenges/competition to a …

Look Back Before Moving Forward

5 Critical Areas to Review For many, 2010 was another tough year. A number of you are probably disappointed in how little you “accomplished” this past year. You may even feel that you have had a set back. Some of …

Buy Sell Agreement Basics

Why Every Business Should Develop a Comprehensive Buy-Sell Agreement It can be anti-intuitive for some people, but when getting into a business, one needs to plan how to get out of the business. There can be many options and situations …

The Secret for Client Loyalty

Client Appreciation Means Much More Than a Happy Customer We all know that insurance is a relationship business. Now, more than ever is the time for agents and brokers to reinforce the relationship with clients. What is the secret for …