Articles by Catherine Oak and Bill Schoeffler

Oak is the founder of the consulting firm, Oak & Associates, based in Northern California and Central Oregon. Schoeffler is an associate of the firm. Oak & Associates. Phone: 707-935-6565. Email:

Strategic Planning in Difficult Times

Why It’s Important to Create Meaningful and Reachable Goals Let’s start off with three simple questions. Do you think business planning is important? Do you have a business plan? If you answered no to question two, you are not alone. …

The Physics Behind Business

How to Apply the Laws of Nature to Life and Businesses Running a business is part of life. And life is subject to the laws of nature. Therefore, it is logical that business must also follow natural laws. Just think …

Sales Strategies in Difficult Times

Price, Renewals, Cross Selling and More The weak economy and continued soft market still has a stranglehold on insurance agents. Most agents are doing a good job on retention. However, lower premiums (and commissions) coupled with lost accounts due to …

Create a Sales Playbook

Create a Sales Playbook Imagine that you are the head coach of an NFL team and you are in the playoffs. Your team is down by nine points in the beginning of the fourth quarter. What is your next move? …

Tax Consequences on Perpetuation Planning

Why It May Be Worth Exploring Your Selling Options in 2010 Most people who sell their assets of any type, including the stock they own in an insurance agency, will be subject to a minimum of 5% more tax if …

Taxes and Insurance Agencies

Strategies to Take for 2010 and Beyond We are all familiar with the old saying “The only thing certain are death and taxes.” From where we stand right now in 2010 it is clear that we will be taxed, however, …

Risks in a Bad Economy

Agents Take Note of New Errors and Omissions Exposures The current economic turmoil is wreaking havoc across the board. Businesses are downsizing or going out of business. Families are suffering from lost jobs and financial woes. The insurance industry has …

Trends for 2010

Soft Market, Economy, Taxes and the Producer Dilemma on the Frontlines for Agents To be proactive, one needs to understand and exploit current and future trends. Most trends can be predicated by understanding recurring cycles and applying that knowledge to …

How and Why Agencies Should Have Codes of Honor

Many businesses have created a mission statement or company vision describing why they are in business and where they want to go. When properly crafted and incorporated, these statements are a guiding light for defining purpose and direction. But what …

Managing Producers: How to Set Sales Goals and Monitor Performance

Sales management is vitally important to the growth and survival of an agency. However, as important as it is, sales management does not have to be a full-time job in most firms. Often the task falls to an owner or …