Articles by Bill Wilson

Wilson, CPCU, ARM, AIM is the founder and CEO of and the author of the book "When Words Collide: Resolving Insurance Coverage and Claims Disputes." His column, "Is It Covered?", is published in Insurance Journal Magazine.

Is It Covered?: A Flood of Uncovered Claims

On a recent insurance social media page, an agent was looking for a market for a $2 million home that had experienced a $540,000 plumbing leak claim and the carrier had nonrenewed. A few weeks earlier, another agent had been …

Logic & Language and Forms & Facts: Preventing Coverage Gaps

This column began in 2019 when I wrote a year-long series of articles based on my book “When Words Collide: Resolving Insurance Coverage and Claims Disputes.” In the April 2019 issue, I wrote about seven factors that enable insurance professionals …

Logic & Language and Forms & Facts Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

People in the South love the snow. It’s like grandchildren … fun when it visits but not around enough to become a lot of work. In the North, snow and its evil cousin ice can become problematic, especially from an …

Logic & Language and Forms & Facts The Final Word on COVID-19 and Insurance?

Since this is an insurance coverage column, it’s perhaps fitting to initiate the new year with a look back at the biggest coverage issue of the past year and probably the past couple of decades. In 2001, the coverage question …

Logic & Language and Forms & Facts: ‘Thy Toilet Runneth Over’

Anyone who has read my “When Words Collide” book or my blog or attended any of my seminars and webinars knows that I am the country’s foremost advocate of the “RTFP! Doctrine.” Answering coverage questions begins with reading the policy. …

Logic & Language and Forms & Facts: ‘Oh Deer, These Insurance Myths!’

I’m not sure when I first wrote about this month’s coverage issue, though I’m sure it was at least 13 years ago and probably earlier. This is the time of year when auto collisions with deer begin to peak in …

Homeowners Coverage Gaps? Here Are Some ‘Mower’

In 2018, the Insurance Journal published an article titled “Lawnmower Injuries Remain Source of Serious Injury and High Costs.” A study cited in the article stated each day during the mowing season, about 30 people are injured or maimed in …

Is It Covered? Frozen Pipes.

This “Is It Covered?” column will examine two real-life claims from the Dakotas involving frozen pipes – one personal lines and the other commercial lines. Both are good examples of how policy language usually governs, even if the result defies …

Is It Covered? The Unimpeachable Case of What ‘Are’ Is

One claim dispute I was involved with I refer to in seminars as “The Unimpeachable Case of What ‘Are’ Is.” It illustrates how a single word, even the tense of a verb, in a policy form can make all the …

‘All Generalizations Are Dangerous….’

I love quotations. I’ve collected them for almost 50 years. Over 20 years ago, I published my first book which was a collection of 1,500 of my favorite quotations, all indexed and cross-referenced, with an introduction that explained how they …