Articles by Bob Moen

Wyoming Supreme Court Hears DUI Testing Case

The Wyoming Supreme Court is considering whether the state constitution is adaptable to changing technology when it comes to police officers obtaining search warrants to draw blood or perform other tests on people suspected of drunken driving. The court heard …

2012 Fire Season Among Worst On Record In Wyoming

This year’s wildfire season was among the most destructive on record in Wyoming, with as many as 1,400 wildfires charring more than a half-million acres, state forester Bill Crapser said. Normally Wyoming will see 700 to 750 wildfires in a …

Wyoming Flooding Designated Major Disaster

President Barack Obama has declared a major disaster in Wyoming because of spring and summer flooding, opening the way for the federal government to help the state pay for costs incurred from damaged roads, highways and other infrastructure. The counties …

Wyoming and Montana Say Fire Season Below Normal

Favorable weather conditions help put a damper on the wildfire seasons in Wyoming and Montana this past summer. Fire officials in both states report that while the number of fire starts was about normal, the fires were generally smaller than …