Articles by Brian K. Sullivan

New U.S. Satellite Aims to Unlock Mysteries of Hurricanes

Hurricanes hold lots of secrets. Unlocking them can help forecasters predict the next steps the deadly storms will take. That, in turn, will help improve computer forecast models and give meteorologists a better understanding of each system. As the forecasting …

Tropical Storm Danny to Become Hurricane? Maybe, Maybe Not

A storm-free August in the Atlantic was probably too much to ask for. Tropical Storm Danny formed out of a cluster of thunderstorms Tuesday about 1,600 miles (2,600 kilometers) east of the Windward Islands. There’s even a chance it could …

As Nine Storms Roar Across the Pacific Ocean, Two Forces Are to Blame

The Pacific Ocean, named for placidity, is roaring. In the past week, eight tropical systems — and that includes two major typhoons — have formed across the Pacific from China to Mexico. On top of that, another system developed in …

Latest U.S. Forecast Sees Stronger El Nino into 2016

The Pacific Ocean’s weather-changing El Nino will probably last into 2016 and be stronger than previously forecast, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center says. El Nino, a warming of the equatorial Pacific, has a 90 percent chance of lasting into next …

Remnants of Tropical Storm Bill Headed for the Midwest

Tropical Storm Bill wrung out almost 12 inches of rain over parts of eastern Texas, was downgraded to a depression and then handed off from the National Hurricane Center to the Weather Prediction Center. That doesn’t mean the U.S. is …

Tropical Storm Bill Makes Landfall in Texas with 60 MPH Winds

Tropical Storm Bill came ashore on the Texas mainland this morning near Seadrift, packing heavy rains that will drop as much as 10 inches along the coast. Bill’s winds were 60 miles (97 kilometers) per hour, up from 50 mph …

Storm Brewing Over Yucatan Peninsula Threatens Texas and Louisiana

The Atlantic’s second storm of the year may be developing over the Yucatan Peninsula, with the potential to reach Texas and Louisiana and flood Houston for the second time in a month. Thunderstorms moving northwest from the Yucatan along the …

El Nino Now 85% Likely to Last Through Winter: U.S. Climate Forecasters

The odds that a weather-changing El Nino will last until the Northern Hemisphere’s next winter are increasing, though it’s too early to say if it will provide drought relief across California, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said. There is an …

Pacific Storms Rage While Atlantic Hurricane Season Opens Quietly

The Atlantic hurricane season opened with empty seas and low expectations as two storms raged off the western coast of Mexico, where they will almost certainly stay. Hurricane Andres, which formed last week and grew into a major Category 4 …

Why Homeowners Should Worry Despite ‘Calm’ Hurricane Forecast

The Colorado State University hurricane forecast for the Atlantic Ocean came out Thursday and called for seven named storms. That would be the fewest since 1997. The CSU forecast will be followed soon by a host of others, most of …