Articles by Brian K. Sullivan

Calm Atlantic Hurricane Season Forecast Due to Cooler Seas, El Nino

The Atlantic Ocean may have one of its quietest hurricane seasons in decades because of cooler water in the Atlantic and an El Nino in the Pacific, Colorado State University forecasters said. William Gray and Phil Klotzbach predict seven named …

Spring Forecast Warns of Severe Thunderstorms, Hail, Tornadoes

It’s again the time of year when a mix of cool air from Canada, warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and a touch of energy off the Pacific can all wrap together to unleash storms across the U.S. …

Storm Surge Alerts to Begin on Atlantic Coast This Hurricane Season

As the people of New Orleans, New Jersey and New York know all too well, much of the death and damage caused by hurricanes isn’t from the wind. It’s from the storm surge. When the 2015 Atlantic hurricane season starts …

Earth’s Surface Rising in North America, Europe: After-Effect of Ice Age

In the U.S., this past year has had more than enough reminders of how weather can affect our lives. California is heading into its fourth year of drought because it didn’t get enough snow. Boston is just emerging from a …

Big Melt Will Start Liberating Boston From Its Record Snowpack

The Big Melt is coming. In the next day or so, southern New England and the lower Hudson Valley are going to shed a lot of snowpack as a storm passing just north of the region pulls in warm air …

As West Bakes and Northeast Shivers, Elsewhere Tornadoes Almost Disappear

The same weather pattern that made the West warm and dry and the Northeast cold and snowy has contributed to keeping the rest of the U.S. relatively free of tornadoes so far this year. In the first two months of …

El Nino Could Signal Tornado Activity in South: Researchers

The waters of the Pacific Ocean may provide some clues on what kind of tornado season will erupt across the southern U.S., according to a paper in the journal Nature Geoscience. The study found that if the Pacific enters an …

Snowbound Boston Area Braces for Collapsing Roofs as Rain Comes

The latest menace dealt by New England’s historic snowbound winter — the creak, crack and boom of collapsing roofs — may get worse as the region heads into a weekend forecast of rain. Rooftops, especially flat ones, have buckled under …

El Nino Forecasts Flop as Puzzled Scientists Search for Answers

When it comes to El Nino, 2014-15 may be the years that launched a thousand academic papers. Since last March, forecasters have said an El Nino was on the way. The only trouble is, it hasn’t arrived. Call it the …

Research Shows Climate Change Will Cause More Extreme La Niña’s

Pacific Ocean La Niña events that trigger droughts in the U.S. Southwest, floods in China and raise the chances for tropical systems in the western part of the basin, as well as in the Atlantic, will likely occur twice as …