Articles by Brian K. Sullivan

Hurricane Gonzalo Bears Down on Bermuda

The last major hurricane to strike land anywhere in the Atlantic basin was Sandy in 2012. That may change tomorrow as Hurricane Gonzalo bears down on Bermuda. Gonzalo again became a Category 4 storm today, the first since 2011, the …

Tropical Storm Ana Eyes Hawaii; Hurricane Gonzalo Threatens Bermuda

Hurricane Gonzalo grew into a major storm that threatens Bermuda later this week, while half a world away Tropical Storm Ana may become the second system this year to sweep Hawaii’s Big Island. Gonzalo, with top winds of 115 miles …

Weak El Nino Could Still Happen Later This Year

A weak El Nino might still form in the next 30 to 60 days across the equatorial Pacific, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said. Sea surface temperatures in the region have been above- average through September. Changes to the atmosphere, …

Atlantic Hurricane Season Could Still Surprise

The Atlantic hurricane season isn’t dead yet. As weather-watchers focus on Typhoon Vongfong in the Pacific and Cyclone Hudhud in the Bay of Bengal, a subtropical depression has formed south of Bermuda late last week, prompting a tropical storm watch …

Atlantic Hurricanes Still Threaten to Brew

As weather-watchers focus on Typhoon Vongfong in the Pacific and Cyclone Hudhud in the Bay of Bengal, there are signs that the Atlantic may have a storm of its own, or more, in the next few weeks. A patch of …

Pacific Sees Storm Deja Vu as Atlantic Starts to Run Out of Time

Yet another tropical storm is budding in the Pacific south of Manzanillo, Mexico, while in the Atlantic the danger is fading, at least for the energy-producing areas of the Gulf of Mexico. Tropical Depression 19-E developed yesterday about 120 miles …

Tropical Storm Polo Follows Odile Track to Blast Baja California

Tropical Storm Polo, the 16th storm of an unusually active eastern Pacific hurricane season, is on a path eerily like that of Odile, which blasted the Baja California peninsula earlier this week. Odile went ashore late Sept. 14 with top …

Arizonans Face Second Tropical Threat in Two Weeks

A week ago, Hurricane Norbert pumped tropical moisture across the U.S. Southwest, touching off record rainfall in Phoenix and Tucson that killed at least two people, flooded hundreds of homes and shut highways throughout the region. This week, Hurricane Odile …

Hurricane Odile Brings Storm Surge, Flooding to Mexican Peninsula

Hurricane Odile, the strongest to hit Baja California Sur in decades, weakened slightly as it battered the Mexican peninsula with high winds and rain. Odile went ashore near the resort city of Cabo San Lucas at about 10:45 p.m. Mexico …

Mexico Issues Hurricane Warning as Odile Strikes

Mexico issued a hurricane warning for parts of Baja California as Odile struck the resort area of Cabo San Lucas on the southern tip of the peninsula. Mexico declared a red alert along the coastline as well as the mainland …