Articles by Brian H. Kern

Florida’s no-fault law set to expire Oct. 1

A three-week Florida special legislative session scheduled to begin Sept. 18 has been postponed, meaning lawmakers will probably not act to halt the Oct. 1 expiration of a key no-fault auto insurance law. The session was to focus on a …

Agents must tell Fla. citizens of pros and cons of Citizens

As Florida insurance agents adjust to serious competition from the public sector, the Florida Association of Independent Agents has established a new staff position to act as a liaison between agents and state-backed Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Jeff Grady, president …

A small private Fla. insurer faces Citizens and the ‘perfect storm’

From “Happy Days” to “The Perfect Storm” is how one Florida insurance executive describes her state’s defining years between 2003 and 2007 — and she isn’t talking just about the hurricanes. Susan Straker, president of Coral Insurance Co., cited the …

Reinsurance was easier to find and cheaper in 2007

What a difference a year makes. Florida insurers had to look high and low for reinsurance in 2006, and pay dearly if they could find it.In 2007, it was a different story. According to Jack Mangiante, senior vice president of …

S.C. Rejects 23.7% Increase in Workers’ Compensation Rates

The South Carolina Department of Insurance disapproved a request made by the National Council on Compensation Insurance to increase loss costs statewide by 23.7 percent. NCCI State Relations Executive, Amy Quinn, said SCDOI released its announcement in August prompting NCCI …

Fla. Special Session Postponed, Insurers Agree on Level of Confusion

A three-week Florida special legislative session scheduled to begin Sept. 18 has been postponed, meaning lawmakers will probably not act to halt the Oct. 1 expiration of a key no-fault auto insurance law. The session was to focus on a …

Staying Afloat in Complex Construction Insurance Waters

With the tidal wave of legal cases involving construction defects bogging down county, state and federal courts, it has become imperative that insurers “cover their behinds” from every imaginable angle — including educating insureds as to what is not covered …

No region of country is immune to wildland fires

Some states face tougher seasons than others but every state must deal with the threat Historically, the lion’s share of in-season wildland fires occurs in the country’s western regions, however, as evidenced by the massive blaze in Georgia that torched …

Keeping up with the traveling carnival

Traveling carnivals have changed dramatically during the 20 years Mitchell Kaliff has presided over the insurance agency his grandfather established in 1917. Gone are the days of freakish or ghoulish side show oddities, old time midway barkers and questionable ride-operators …

Olympus Insurance Begins Writing Homeowners Policies in Florida

In its application for certificate of authority filed with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, Orlando-based Olympus Insurance Co. disclosed $50 million in start-up capital. The OIR issued a certificate of authority on May 31 according to Spokesman Jonathan Kees, …