Articles by Brian Skoloff

Insurers Backing Away from Homes with Chinese Drywall

James and Maria Ivory’s dreams of a relaxing retirement on Florida’s Gulf Coast were put on hold when they discovered their new home had been built with Chinese drywall that emits sulfuric fumes and corrodes pipes. It got worse when …

Coastal Growth from Texas to N.C. Lends Urgency to Hurricane Forecasts

The rapid pace of development along hurricane-prone coasts is adding a new level of urgency for forecasters to more accurately pinpoint potential storm impact zones, the director of the National Hurricane Center said. Recent studies show most coastal growth in …

Florida Hurricane Conference Presents Message of Preparedness

Preparing for hurricanes, despite two slow previous storm seasons, is key to the survival of Floridians and recovery efforts, officials said. About 2,800 people attended the 22nd Annual Governor’s Hurricane Conference on May 14, where the main message was preparedness …

Rapid Coastal Growth Places Urgency on Hurricane Forecasts, Chief Says

The rapid pace of development along hurricane-prone coasts is adding a new level of urgency for forecasters to more accurately pinpoint potential storm impact zones, the director of the National Hurricane Center said. Recent studies show most coastal growth in …

Army Corps’ Shoddy Work Cited, Fla. Communities and Roads at Risk

A major Everglades restoration project is stalled because of shoddy work managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a Florida reservoir that could threaten an interstate highway and nearby communities if levee walls were to fail, state officials …

Hurricane Chief: Millions Wasted on NOAA Publicity Campaign

The federal government is spending millions of dollars on a publicity campaign while its hurricane forecasters are struggling with budget cuts, according to the National Hurricane Center’s director. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is spending up to $4 million …

Many Florida Families Still Struggling as New Hurricane Season Nears

Terri Rose was living comfortably with her four children when 2004’s Hurricane Frances ripped a hole in the family’s roof. A few weeks later, Hurricane Jeanne soaked everything. Their home was condemned, then demolished. Two years later, Rose and two …

Director: FEMA More Prepared than Ever for Hurricane Season

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is more prepared than ever for the 2007 hurricane season, having at the ready helicopters, generators, disaster medical teams and road clearing crews to react within hours, according to FEMA Director R. David Paulison. “So …

Fla. Homeowners Air Grievances over Taxes, Insurance

Jeanette Waddle is frustrated with rising property taxes and unaffordable insurance rates, and she let Fla.’s Gov. Charlie Crist hear about it Tuesday night during a town hall forum. The mother of three is married to a firefighter, the sole …

Fla. gubernatorial candidates offer property insurance proposals

If he is elected governor, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jim Davis says Florida homeowners would see lower property insurance rates as soon as next year and a guarantee of at least partial coverage by the state. Davis proposed creating a $20 …