Articles by Britton Wells

Excess flood market steps up when national flood program falls short

The historical lessons learned from Katrina and Rita, and looming predictions of a future with bigger and stronger storms, have made flood insurance popular these days — even in locations where it was previously thought unnecessary. The National Flood Insurance …

Katrina, Rita complaints breed probes in La.

As an aftereffect of consumer complaints, the Louisiana Department of Insurance hit Allstate Insurance Co. and St. Paul Travelers Cos. with investigations into their handling of homeowners’ claims resulting from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Upon completion of these reviews–said to …

Blackmail allegations heat up California auto reforms debate

John Garamendi has called for an investigation into an apparent campaign attacking him and his proposed auto insurance rate regulations in California. Supposedly waged by insurance industry officials and advocates, Garmendi said the campaign opposes this plan to downgrade geography …

Texas lawmakers close in on tax reform

Adhering to the Texas Tax Reform Commission’s recommendations, five bills aimed at providing long-term property tax relief passed the Texas House of Representatives in late April. While the tax reform legislation lowers the property tax rate, it broadens the scope …

Lloyd’s sees 1906 San Francisco earthquake as a turning point

One of the most significant natural disasters in U.S. history, the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, rolled to its centennial anniversary April 18, 2006. One hundred years ago in San Francisco, the Earth bounced and the city collapsed; then burned. …

Finding coverage getting tough for homeowners in southern Louisiana

After the wreckage caused by last year’s Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, many home insurers in southern Louisiana are refusing to write new policies, or are leaving vulnerable coastal community markets in fear of potential losses occurring from future storms. Concerned …

Western Insurance Associations: How the West is run

Editor’s note: This is the second article in a series on Western insurance associations. Part I of this article appeared in the April 3, 2006, western region publication beginning on page 47. As people migrate to the West, insurers’ must …

Labor says workers’ comp reform doesn’t work for permanently disabled

California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger won’t be making major workers’ compensation movements this year regarding permanent disability, according to an industry lobbyist. “[Schwarzenegger’s] administration reiterated its original position recently that it would reexamine the permanent disability schedule after 18 months worth …

Western insurance associations: How the West is run

Editor’s note:This is the first article in a series on Western insurance associations. Part II of this article will appear in a future issue. As people migrate to the West to enjoy the weather and opportunities for outdoor activities, insurers’ …

Texas, Louisiana surplus lines premium decreases in 2005

Insurance Journal South Central–Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas–vary widely in the amount of premium written in any given year. Texas has the biggest surplus lines market, followed by Louisiana, Oklahoma and then Arkansas. While the Arkansas market is small, it …