Articles by Carl Parks

McCarran repeal: Beware of negative unintended consequences

The McCarran-Ferguson Act enacted in 1945 provides for the continued regulation of insurance by the states and a narrow exemption from the general federal antitrust laws. The exemption is limited to activities that constitute the “business of insurance,” are “regulated …

McCarran repeal: Beware of negative unintended consequences

The McCarran-Ferguson Act enacted in 1945 provides for the continued regulation of insurance by the states and a narrow exemption from the general federal antitrust laws. The exemption is limited to activities that constitute the “business of insurance,” are “regulated …

McCarran repeal: Beware of negative unintended consequences

The McCarran-Ferguson Act enacted in 1945 provides for the continued regulation of insurance by the states and a narrow exemption from the general federal antitrust laws. The exemption is limited to activities that constitute the “business of insurance,” are “regulated …

McCarran repeal: Beware of negative unintended consequences

The McCarran-Ferguson Act enacted in 1945 provides for the continued regulation of insurance by the states and a narrow exemption from the general federal antitrust laws. The exemption is limited to activities that constitute the “business of insurance,” are “regulated …

McCarran repeal: Beware of negative unintended consequences

The McCarran-Ferguson Act enacted in 1945 provides for the continued regulation of insurance by the states and a narrow exemption from the general federal antitrust laws. The exemption is limited to activities that constitute the “business of insurance,” are “regulated …