Articles by Carla K. Johnson

Illinois Governor Mulls Executive Order on Insurance Exchange

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn may use an executive order to establish a health insurance exchange, a website where consumers could comparison shop for insurance that’s a key piece of President Barack Obama’s health care law, according to Quinn’s chief health …

Audit Questions $7B in Illinois Insurance Contracts

A new audit finds serious problems with the way Illinois awarded $7 billion in contracts last year for state employees’ health insurance. Auditor General William Holland said in a recently released report that Illinois awarded Blue Cross Blue Shield contracts …

Illinois Insurance Director: Health Law Helping Consumers

While the anniversary of the Obama administration’s health law inspired events to publicize the law’s “broken promises” elsewhere, Illinois’ top insurance regulator contended consumers are better protected because of it. Illinois Insurance Department Director Michael McRaith said that next year …

Illinois Governor Still Backs Obama’s Health Insurance Law

Illinois has forged ahead with implementing the nation’s new health care law with support from its Democratic governor. Just back from a national governors meeting in Washington, Gov. Pat Quinn started reviewing a plan to roll out key components of …

Illinois Insurance Regulators Want More Oversight on Health Rates

Illinois regulators will ask lawmakers for the authority to approve or deny health insurance rate increases, saying residents need protection from skyrocketing costs that aren’t justified. Currently there is nothing the state can do to stop rate increases, no matter …

Illinois to Keep Sharp Eye on High-Risk Insurance Pool

Illinois may be one of the first states to start providing health insurance in a new high-risk pool funded under national health overhaul, but enrollment will be limited, eligibility requirements tight and coverage may not begin until late summer. Illinois …

Illinois AG Calling for Crackdown on Nursing Homes

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is calling for unannounced inspections of nursing homes and revised criminal histories of identified offenders living in the facilities. Madigan’s sent a letter on Oct. 7 to the state’s public health director, a day before …