Articles by Anna Edney and Caroline Chen

Wearable Devices Being Used in Drug Trials, Medical Research

Pharmaceutical companies are enlisting Fitbits and other gadgets strapped to patients’ wrists, chests and skin as a way to bring drugs to market faster. What began as an aid for athletes and dieters to track their movements is quickly becoming …

Small Businesses Moving to Obamacare Exchanges

U.S. small businesses are dropping health insurance for their workers, as Obamacare lets them send employees to new marketplaces where they can often get subsidies from the government to buy coverage. WellPoint Inc.’s small business insurance products lost 300,000 people …

CDC ‘Go’ Team Sprints to New York as City Faces First Ebola Case

Start packing for New York, the “go” team from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was told. A doctor there was back from a West African hot zone with Ebola-like symptoms. The disease experts traveling tonight are Pierre …

CDC Steps Up Ebola Risk Management, Names Expert Team for Hospitals

A team of infection experts will be sent to any U.S. hospital with a confirmed Ebola case, according to the nation’s top disease control official, who said such a group could have prevented the infection of a Dallas nurse who …

80 People Being Monitored in Dallas Ebola Case

More than 80 people in Dallas are being monitored for symptoms of Ebola after coming into contact with patient Thomas Eric Duncan or others who Duncan had met, health officials said. The people have been asked to report to Texas …

Cat Bond Buyers Listening to Storm Forecasters, Not Buffett

Bond buyers are betting more than ever on the mercy of Mother Nature as they seek to boost yields being suppressed by central banks. Demand for notes linked to insurance against hurricanes and other natural disasters is prompting investors to …

Employers Raise Employees’ Deductibles to Curb Health Costs

Four of five U.S. companies have raised deductibles or are considering doing so as health costs increase, according to a survey of more than 700 employers. About one-third of the companies have already increased deductibles or other cost-sharing provisions like …

More Employers to Move to Private Health Insurance Exchanges

One-third of U.S. employers plan to move their workers’ healthcare coverage to a private exchange in the next few years, a survey found, following the lead of companies like Walgreen Co. seeking to reduce costs. While 95 percent of employers …