Articles by Catherine Tapia

States Strive for Consistency in Complying with New Privacy Provisions

The 2001 state legislative sessions are off and running. Among the more pressing challenges this year for a number of insurance commissioners and lawmakers is reaching compliance with the privacy provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) by a rapidly approaching …

Commercial Auto-The LONG Road Back to Profitability

The signs were there in 2000—and now it can safely be said that prices in the commercial auto industry are definitely firming. But how long it will take the industry to truly return to profitability is still hard to pinpoint. …

McGavick Takes Helm at SAFECO

Ending a search that has been ongoing since last October, Michael S. McGavick was named president, CEO and member of the Board of Directors of Seattle-based SAFECO Corporation on Jan. 30. McGavick, a native Washing-tonian, joins SAFECO after having held …

Commercial Auto: The Long Road Back to Profitability

The signs were there in 2000—and now it can safely be said that prices in the commercial auto industry are definitely firming. But how long it will take the industry to truly return to profitability is still hard to pinpoint. …

Evolving Weather Risk Market Attracts Growing Number of Participants

Since its emergence just three years ago, the market for weather risks has become a significant new development on the radar screen of the reinsurance industry. “Weather is essentially a new class of risk that is now being introduced to …

Ex-Quackenbush Deputy Makes Plea Agreement in CDI Probe

George Elliot Grays, a former senior aide to erstwhile California Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush, pled guilty on Jan. 16 to federal charges of two counts of mail fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering. The criminal charges …

Assessing the Signs and Strategies for Hitting the Niche Target

To specialize or not to specialize, that is the question. The answer is, given the right set of circumstances—absolutely. Finding the proper alchemy is the challenge, and part of that is realizing that a good idea alone does not necessarily …

California Workers’ Comp: A Market on the Brink

Although they just squeaked past the January 1 crunch time, both carriers and buyers of workers’ compensation are having anything but a Happy New Year. Combined with the slipping economy, the crisis in the workers’ comp market could have drastic …

Angels of the Industry Argonaut, Alaskas National

Far from being uncaring, the insurance industry contributes millions of dollars every year to charitable causes. Following are just a few of the ‘angels’ of our industry-those who took the time and energy to give something back to their community. …

Insurers File Challenge To OSHA Ergo Rule

The Nov. 14 release of Occupational Safety Health Administration’s (OSHA) new ergonomic rule, approved by President Clinton, has sparked one of the largest backlashes in the 30-year history of the organization. Included in the ranks of those who oppose the …