Articles by Bill Schoeffler and Catherine Oak

Oak is the founder of the consulting firm, Oak & Associates, based in Northern California and Central Oregon. Oak & Associates. Phone: 707-935-6565. Email:

Planning for Uncertainty

The traditional business plan includes short-term and long-term goals and projections. But, how do you plan when you can’t guess what will happen? Some things are shifting faster than you can keep up with or are changing based on politics. …

How to Improve Communication with Insurance Companies

Today agents must assume an active role in establishing solid relationships with their insurance companies. The key to any good relationship is communication. Agencies must devise a well-organized plan to communicate with their carriers. This article shows owners the way. …

Use Social Media to Improve Sales

Today’s generation is all about social networking. Social networking has become the most popular way to network and promote business. And in the current “tech savvy” environment it’s becoming increasingly apparent social media is here to stay, so it’s important …

Managing Time is Imperative

Time is the only resource we cannot recreate, but how can you optimize being “in control of time” rather than being “controlled by it?” People tend to number their days when they are dying. A woman named Wendy who worked …

How to Be a High Performing Agency

To be a high-performing firm, one needs to emulate what the best firms are doing and the traits that bring high-performance to fruition. This article focuses on the top five characteristics the best agencies have in common. 1 – Growing …

Insurance Industry Trends for Agencies to Exploit in 2014

In order to be a step ahead of the competition it is best to be proactive. One can do this by understanding and exploiting current and future trends. It is easy to predict trends by understanding recurring cycles and applying …

Obamacare and Agency Value

Where is the Affordable Care Act headed? Are we prepared? Who will be covered and who won’t? Are we robbing from Peter to pay Paul? The list of questions is endless. The answers are few and far between. In a …

The Power of 98/2 Delegation

Delegation is a critical skill for managerial and leadership success. Successful leaders and managers delegate to engage people, leverage the special skills, and get more done. Even the most talented person has a capacity limit when they do everything themselves. …

How to Value Small Books of Business & Terms

Oak & Associates receives many calls about valuing small books of business, and is asked if it is worth doing a valuation when the buyer knows what they want and the buyer does not want to spend a lot of …

How to Develop a Sales and Marketing Plan

Every year a firm should develop a new sales and marketing plan. This is an essential element of strategic planning. Many carriers want to meet with the agency owners to set the game plans for the coming year and it …