Articles by Cathy Bussewitz

New York Says Exxon Misled Investors About Climate Risks

New York’s attorney general on Wednesday sued Exxon Mobil, saying the Texas energy giant has misled investors about the risks that climate change poses to its operations. The lawsuit filed by Attorney General Barbara Underwood is the latest in a …

Hawaii Sues Auto Makers over Shrapnel-Spewing Air Bags

Hawaii is suing auto manufacturers Ford, Nissan and Toyota over air bags that can spew shrapnel when they deploy. The complaint filed Wednesday says the manufacturers knew or should have known for more than a decade that air bags installed …

Hawaii Sues Takata, Honda over Defective Air Bags

The state of Hawaii is suing Japanese manufacturer Takata over defective air bags they say threaten peoples’ lives. The lawsuit filed last week in the First Circuit Court of Hawaii also names auto manufacturer Honda. Millions of Takata’s defective air …

Hawaii Lawmakers: How Much Pot Is OK While Driving?

Hawaii lawmakers are asking how much marijuana a driver can safely consume before getting behind the wheel of a car. It’s an issue they want to tackle now that Hawaii is setting up medical marijuana dispensaries, so Rep. Cindy Evans …

Quakes From Hawaiian Volcano May Signal New Eruption

A series of earthquakes and shifting ground on the slopes of Kilauea have scientists wondering what will happen next at one of the world’s most active volcanos. A lake of lava near the summit of Kilauea on Hawaii’s Big Island …

Bill Would Allow Video Monitors in Cars

The California Assembly has passed a bill that would allow video recorders to be installed on vehicle dashboards. The devices could record a vehicle’s speed, where it travels, whether the driver wore a seatbelt and when the brakes were applied …

Calif. Bill Would Allow Video Monitors in Vehicles

The California Assembly has passed a bill that would allow video recorders to be installed on vehicles’ dashboards. State law currently prohibits dashboard devices that may obstruct a driver’s view. The bill is supported by companies that hire teams of …