Articles by Cecil Pearce

Remember the Lessons of Hurricane Andrew

Due to efforts to rebuild the Florida property insurance market after Hurricane Andrew, most policyholders in the wake of 2004s more costly hurricane season should not face the same post-Andrew price increases or limited availability of homeowners’ insurance. Voices are …

High Stakes for Mississippi Tort Reform

On June 3 Mississippi legislators were entering the third week of a special session called by Gov. Haley Barbour to consider comprehensive civil justice reform. They were back in Jackson just days after completing their regular session, and the early …

Stay the Course on Florida Workers’ Comp Reform

Long-needed, comprehensive reforms to Florida’s workers’ compensation system passed in last May’s special session of the Legislature, culminating a long-term effort by Florida’s business and insurance industry coalition, with the support of Gov. Jeb Bush and legislative leaders. Just six …

Parting Shots: Stay the Course on Florida Workers’ Comp Reform

Long-needed, comprehensive reforms to Florida’s troubled workers’ compensation system passed during last May’s special session of the Legislature, culminating a long-term effort by Florida’s business and insurance industry coalition, with the support of Gov. Jeb Bush and legislative leaders. Just …

Florida: Land of Opportunity, but for Whom’

Florida has long been considered a land of opportunity for companies seeking to expand into new markets, with its growing population, diverse economy, and expansive geography. The state’s attraction for insurers has increased in recent years due to another key …