Articles by Charles E. Boyle

Bancassurance Model is Business as Usual in European Countries

The passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act marked a watershed in U.S. financial regulation, opening up the banking, insurance and securities sectors to cross-holdings and business combinations after almost 70 years of separation. Most segments of the insurance industry praised the …

Lloyd’s of London Presents Strong Case

For over two months, Lloyd’s of London has been presenting evidence in the Jaffray case before Mr. Justice Cresswell in London defending itself against allegations of fraud made by over 200 “Names”. According to Lloyd’s spokesman Adrian Beeby, “our lawyers …

Lloyd’s Presents Strong Defense Against Names in Jaffray Case

For the past two months, Lloyd’s has been presenting evidence in the Jaffray case before Mr. Justice Cresswell in London, defending itself against allegations of fraud made by more than 200 “Names” (IJ March 20 and April 17). According to …

International Commmentary

China, PNTR and WTOÐPart II What is the Chinese Market? The Western world has long had an ongoing fascination with China’s enormous population-1.2 billion and counting. Corporate leaders fantasize that, if only 10 percent of that population bought insurance coverage …

E-Commerce initiative Work to Steadily Transfirm the Industry

Insurers have been inundated by a flood of e-commerce initiatives and cataclysmic scenarios about the transformation which technology is set to bestow (or impose) on the industry. The reality becomes clearer every day. Internet technology will not render brokers, agents, …

International Commmentary

China, PNTR and WTOÐRealism and Caution The current phase of American trade and foreign policy towards China, which began with the recognition of the Communist regime by the Nixon administration in 1972, will reach another milestone on May 22, when …

Australia Juggles Mergers & Disasters

Driven in part by 1999’s particularly poor results, and perhaps encouraged by the recent mega-merger announcements from Europe (CGU-Norwich Union and Deutsche Bank-Dresdner Bank), Australia’s insurance/ banking/financial services sector seems set to go in the same direction. On March 10, …

Allianz Comes Out the ‘Big Winner’ In German Bank Merger

On March 9, the German financial world quaked with the announcement that Deutsche Bank (DB), Germany’s largest bank, planned to merge with cross-town rival Dresdner Bank. Insurance giant Allianz AG was a driving force behind the deal and stands to …